Chapter 21

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Lourd (Mace)'s Point of View

Lourd, Notch, and Genny sat in their passenger car on the train. Genny was tending to Notch's wounds. Apparently, Notch had pulled some muscles in his arm. Genny said he might have even torn them.

Lourd watched the two of them together from his seat across from them. Genny sat really close to Notch, and they were talking quietly. Lourd couldn't hear what they were saying.

Genny murmured something, and Notch smiled and said something back. Then, Lourd watched as Genny leaned in and kissed Notch on the lips. Notch kissed her back.

Lourd was happy for them. He knew they would get together eventually. He just didn't think Notch would have to hold train cars to a moving train to make it happen.

At the same time, Lourd felt a wave of sadness watching Notch and Genny kiss. It made him think about Emma, who he had just had to fight on top of a train.

Battling the girl he loved was too difficult. Training her was different, but while she was under Herobrine's possession, Lourd just couldn't do it. He was lucky Genny had come to the rescue.

Lourd just wanted to go home and pretend none of this was happening. But if they didn't get to Herobrine in less than two hours, Herobrine would destroy the world.

Something strange happened just then. Lourd felt a funny feeling in his head that felt vaguely familiar. Then, the world turned black.

Lourd opened his eyes, and it was like he was floating in darkness. Then, someone appeared in front of him.


"Hello, Mace," he said evilly.

"My name isn't Mace anymore," Lourd growled.

"Oh really? Then what is it?" Herobrine asked, as if they were having a casual conversation over tea.

"Lourd," Lourd replied, tense.

"Ah. Lourd. Such an...interesting name. Anyway, Lourd, I have something to show you," Herobrine said. "Let's have a look, shall we?"

Herobrine snapped his fingers, and everything came back into focus. But, they weren't on the train. They were in the Nether.

They were on some sort of netherrack island, with a Nether fortress in the distance. Lourd realized with a start his friends Jeb, Ash, and Steven were on the netherrack island. 

Ash and Steven were battling a Ghast, while Jeb climbed up from below the island. Lourd wondered what he had been doing down there.

Lourd noticed that the Ghast had glowing red eyes. He turned around to glare at Herobrine, who had been grinning at him.

"Look," Herobrine pointed to the battle.

Lourd knew he shouldn't, but he did.

Immediately when Jeb reached the part of the island Ash and Steven were on, the Ghast shot a fireball straight at Jeb. Lourd knew Jeb wouldn't have time to dodge it, so he cried out. Obviously Jeb couldn't hear him.

But, Ash yelled something and dove at Jeb, shoving him out of the way. The fireball hit Ash right in the chest, and Ash was flung into the lava sea.

Steven released the arrow he had ready, killing the Ghast.

"Ash!" Lourd cried out, but he couldn't move. All he knew, was that Ash was gone.

Herobrine grinned at Lourd. "You better hurry up, Lourd. Time's almost up."

He snapped his fingers, and the train was back. 

Notch and Genny were leaning over Lourd, concern on their faces.

"Are you okay?" Genny asked.

"It happened again," Notch said.

"Ash..." Lourd murmured.

"What?" Genny asked. "You blacked out, and your eyes glowed white, and you kept muttering 'time's almost up'."

"Guys...Herobrine showed me the team in the Nether. Ash was just...killed," Lourd explained. As much as he didn't want to say it aloud, he knew his friends had the right to know.

"What? Ash..." Notch didn't know what to say. Genny was silent.

Before anyone else could say anything, the train conductor spoke over the intercom. "We will be arriving in HiddenBlock in less than five minutes, folks."

"Lourd, Genny, and Notch stood up. "Let's do this," Notch said.

* * *

A few minutes later, the three of them stepped off the train into the train station. No one else got off, and there was no one else in the station.

Lourd, Genny, and Notch walked through the station. It was kind of eerie, since no one else was there. They stepped out of the train station and into HiddenBlock.

HiddenBlock was a city smaller than Mineville and New Block, but it was still pretty big. The buildings were tall in some places, small in others. The sun was rising steadily now. Usually, there would be lots of people out and about right now.

But, as Lourd, Notch, and Genny walked through the streets, there was no one else out. Lourd looked around, trying to find another Minecraftian. Once, he saw someone staring at them from inside a building. But when Lourd looked, the person closed their curtains.

"What is wrong with everybody?" Lourd wondered.

"It must be because Herobrine's here," Genny replied. "Everyone must be terrified. If we don't get to him on time, he'll destroy the world. And HiddenBlock will probably be the first to go."

Notch nodded his head, moving closer to Genny. They locked their hands together.

Lourd wished they wouldn't do that now. They had a battle to fight. But, then again, one of them could die soon. Any of them could die soon. They have to take what they can get.

"So, where do you think Herobrine is?" Lourd asked.

Suddenly, dark clouds formed over a certain building a few city blocks away, probably the Town Hall.

"My guess is there," Notch answered, pointing to the clouds.

"Well. Let's go," Lourd said.



It seems like my chapters aren't getting through to my readers. What's happening?! I'm gonna try uninstalling and reinstalling Wattpad.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!


Update 2/27/16: Never mind about it not getting through to you guys. Wattpad must've fixed itself at some point idk.

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