Warning bit smutty!

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Warning (pg. alert) !!!! There's gonna be make out section , read on your own risk


* Marissa's P.O.V *

We saw Harry heading outside looking for evo...They look cute together but Harry... I don't know :/

"Riss, come along" louis whispered to me, taking my hand.

"where to?"

"comon" he lead me to the back of the room, not waiting for an answer, as Ed Sheeran's "little bird" echoed around the place.

The farther we got into the house, the more faded the music became, we kept moving until we

found the first door, he opened it, looked around him and pushed me in.

Before I could think, or see anything, I was tugged into a wall, standing on my toes, as louis held

my waist and pushed me up, and in. he reached out to wipe my fang, which covered my left cheek

at the reaction. Keeping his hand on the left side of my face, he leaned in, scanning my face with

his eyes, inches away from it. There was something he did, that just attracted me, it pulled me in.

As he pulled in as Well, our lips met for the first time in 6 months. Same lips, same taste, and it

spun around my mouth, the same feeling of unexplainable numbness yet rush, divine pleasure

reigning my system. We finally pulled away, only for a split second before he pulled back in, lifting

me up, my feet surrounding his thighs, he started spinning us around as if we were slow dancing.

And with a constant strong movement, he caressed my back, until his hands made their way

under my shirt, he put me down and slid them in, tracing my spine up and down, triggering

goosebumps all over my body, making me smile.

"you like that don't you" he said in-between wet kisses.

"mhm" I replied, not wanting anything in the way of the heavenly taste and my lips. I could tell he

wanted more as well, licking my lower lip, asking for entrance, and I let him in. our tongues

battled for dominance, but he won.. Like always. Our lips moved together in sync, stopping

in-between for breaths, for the shortest amount of possible time..before reuniting them for more.

I haven't felt such eager, in my whole life..such urge and desire of somebody's touches, or kisses..

Louis's always been gentle, while kissing me, but something about this kiss -probably the longest

in history- told me he was missing me as much as I was missing him. That itself gave me another

reason to stay, and to want more. It fed my urges even more, that I just couldn't develop a single

atom of desire to pull away.

As we stopped again for breath, louis gazed my eyes, a smile presents in his own, then he pulled

me into his chest, as I slid my arms underneath his shoulders, crossing them around his torso. He

hugged me tightly, twirling some of my hair between his fingers.

"I miss u, Riss, I miss this"

"I've been in a living hell"

"its over" he stopped me and continued "I'm here, I'll never go"

"u better not!"

"same old Riss!! U never change now do U?!"

"I do to!!.. it was you who changed me"

"how so?"

"you taught me how to love somebody, to need somebody"

"I'm glad I'm that somebody.. Aren't I ?!" he asked, eyebrows furrowed

"no silly, it's stan, our 55 year old neighbor"

"wha.." I kissed him before he could reply, and he smiled into the kiss. I smiled back, as the

feeling of "once you're in, there's gonna be 20 more minutes of snogging" but I just didn't

care..louis's all mine, to kiss, to hug and to keep. haters u can kill urselves eh!!


The next part Havo will be published soon :)

Story Of Us || Louis TomlinsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang