Very important please read!!

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Hey our beautiful readers we want to thank you so much for taking the time and reading our basically first published story

HavoRouis is based on our daily fangirling imagines and developed with our dreams and imagines

And tell you something guys ...

Writing a FANFICTION is so HARD .... We worked so hard on it and we don't know if it's good or not

So please comment and fan and vote !

We won't update until we get some reviews so please

Calling all of our fellow directioners for support 😔

Seems desperate but we need motivations to keep publishing

Sneak peeks of what's next (this is nothing wait until u get havo's bathroom scene we gave ourself big time feelssss 😌) :

- Harry ...well being the naughty Hazza

- Havo (teasings )

-Pg between Rouis

- Rouis trying to put Havo

Feels , feels and more feels will be coming .....

But you guys have to motivate us

We love you big times . Xx

Follow us :

Twitter: @avouty

Instagram: havorouis

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