Rouis !

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One day I was rushing to the outer cafeteria to buy a smoothie .. I was

on a big hurry that I wasn't paying any attention to anything ! * boom * I

bumped into a guy!

" god ! I'm so sorry" I said trying to avoid any eye contact ...

" it's okay, nothing happened" the guy replied while patting my

shoulder... But his voice was so sweet that attracted me . I looked at him

and before I could've spoke

" I'm Louis ! Louis Tomlinson " he gasped

Now I heard about him actually , he's a senior and some students say

That he's a bad guy, but I don't buy that ! He seems sweet and kind

" nice to meet you Louis! And I'm evo"

"nice to meet you too"

We shared a silent moment that I immediately broke " Would you

Like to uhm chill with me and my friend Marisa?"

" Marisa ? "

" yes riss" I said. How can he not know her !

" oh yeah that fit girl !Yeah she could be a super model "

Words couldn't come out of my mouth then so I shook my hand in awkwardness then said " uhm wait here I'll buy a smoothie than we'll go"

" yeah sure! I'll be waiting here" he assured me.... ~

"What took you so long?" Marisa yelled

" sorry , I bumped into a nice guy"

Riss gave Louis a weird look " yes? Can we help you?"

" relax Riss that's him ! ... The guy"

" oh okay"

I properly introduced them to each others they smiled then started to blush .....

Could it be? No!

'A little giggle slipped from them '

Yes it is ! They are flirting !!!! But weirdly !

And since then the three of us chilled together all the time , at school ,

cinemas, night outs... It wasn't a short time until " Rouis " was born ( Rouis is the nickname that I gave them)

They made the most lovable couple ever , the way that they gazed each others was like magic

I loved to see them ... And in some way I was jealous ! I wanted

someone to act crazy with, someone who'd give me love and protection,

Someone who'd warm me by offering his jacket when I get cold...

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