Sequel ( havoRouis part 2 )

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* Evo's P.O.V *

I was sitting alone on the stairs ,crying . there was people from the party and others passing on the street

"Hey there hottie" a guy said

I looked at him and before I could have said anything he continued " come babe , let's have some fun tonight "

I got so scared " piss off " I glared

He instantly replied " oh I see ! You're playing hard to get " then grabbed my hand

"Let go" I yelled before I felt a hand grabbing my waist , tears were still falling ,

"you heard her " a husky voice said .

This voice wasn't strange from me , it was familiar, it was harry's , but what is he doing here?

" who are you to interfere huh ? I saw her first " the creepy man protested

" I don't care ! She's mine " harry said while squeezing my waist and tasting my tears while leaving wet kisses all over my cheeks.

His ? I'm not his nor anybody's ,I was trying to decrease the distance between me and him but he kept on holding me tight , the man was stepping closer and closer to us holding his fist , and that's when. a huge man stood infront of us ' Paul '

" any problems ? Sir you may leave the hard way or the easy way , but I may warn you in the hard way you won't be able to leave....ALIVE! " Paul said while giving the man the angry/scarry took him only a second to disappear

"Thanks Paul "

"Anytime pal "

" you can let go now ! Thanks for helping me "

" what? Oh - uhm anytime babe " harry starred at me smirking. I turned around , making my way inside . Then Harry grabbed my hand forcing me to turn back at him as he said while winking at me " where are you going ? I thought you're mine now !! "

" inside , and F.Y.I , I'm not anybody's , not because you saved me from that man means that you own me styles!" I know ! I can be such a drama queen but I don't know... My feelings were all mixed up!

I headed back into the party trying to find marissa , but there was no sign of her nor Louis... As I was drowned by my thoughts on where I can find them , I felt a hand grabbing my waist from behind as I sighed "again!"

"what ? Aren't you pleased of my company? " Harry spoke cheekily "now babe I know that you're a Harry girl" he then trailed off

As I he said those last words I felt blood rushing to my cheeks turning them red ...

He chuckled then ordered " come let's dance " as he dragged me to the dance floor

" wait a second " he instructed as I saw him making his way to the DJ set ... He whispered something in his ear then came back to me. But this time he pulled me close to his body putting my arms around his neck as he wrapped my waist with his hands... He looked at the DJ and winked, then at me but smirking ....

And the music ran slow ' Hero '

As the song played Harry whispered the lyrics in my ear making me shiver under every breath that touched my skin " I can be your hero baby ! .... I can kiss away the pain...! " he squeezed a bit on my Waist then sighed " deja vu ha babe? "

" what? " I questioned

" the song! The lyrics ! Don't they remind you of ..."

" mhm" I cut him off as flashbacks from earlier this night played in my head , trying to contain what harry have said ' I can be your hero baby' he did save me from that guy... 'I can kiss away the pain' he kissed my tears ( and it all make sense to me ;) Lln ) I woke from my trance as I felt Harry's breath getting heavier . He was leaning slowly. Me being me took a deep breath, and when our lips were about to touch i took a step back " I - I have to go ! " nice play evo ! 😏

I rushed through the people dancing trying to find Rouis which was kinda hard ... So I texted her while still looking around

" evo ! " Riss called . Finally !!

" where were you? I was searching everywhere for you guys !"

Riss's p.o.v

"uhm somewhere" I said

Evo frowned then smirked as she gazed my neck. I blushed

"oh I see ! Louis huh?" her smirk becoming a grin

"I'll tell you about it later" i shrugged as flashbacks came across my mind


"wow, phone" I pulled away, earning an annoyed expression from louis as I fished the vibrating phone out of my shorts pocket. As I read the message, I could see louis's eyes on my thighs. "oh god its Evo!! She must be furious!!" "ah she'll be ok, hazza's there" "like we don't know about hazza's history in parties!!" "I like it when u get mad" "louis focus!!" "dang!! Those legs" he whispered loudly tracing his hand down my thigh. "hush lad" I ordered "make me hush" he pulled me in, forcing my lips against his, I decided to get naughty again, so I bit his tongue. He pulled away quickly, shocked, rather mad. Sexy mad. Focus. Ur best friend is out there unprotected. He leaned in again, that kid just can't stop. I leaned my head to the side, so his lips hit my neck instead, he didn't seem to mind, wetting the spot with hot kisses. I swear if he bit me Imma..!! My phone buzzed again, taking me out of trance. "louis lemme focus!!" "no" he growled, reaching out for my phone, but I already pressed send, replying with a text that contained at least 11 spelling errors. He held my phone and wrapped his arms around my waist, but before he could try, I fought all my urges to kiss him,and slid away, taking his hand and leading him back to the party

* end of flashback*

Evo's p.o.v

" what's wrong evo ?where's Harry ? " Louis asked

" nothing's wrong I'm just really tired ! Oh Harry , yeah the last time I saw him he was in the dance floor" I gasped

Louis texted Harry to meet him outside , I hugged Louis and got in the car instantly as Harry came Louis was kissing marissa good bye....

And off we went...

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