In the Airplane

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*marisa's P.O.V *

"bye-bye UK.. Hope you'll sink in the atlantic some time in these 3 months" I said fastening my seat belt on, as the pilot announced the takeoff, and recited some instructions.

"hey! Don't be mean!!" Evo gave me a playful nudge, gaining back a smile.

The whole day was just hectic, even though we woke up early enough to make it hours before the flight, but stress was obviously playing on both of Evo and I.

I guess its because leaving the UK wasn't even considerable for me, once upon a time... But now, I needed to leave, to just escape, all my life I stood up against every obstacle, every setback, pretty much by myself.

That was before I met Evo, and Louis, before I learned the fact that I don't really have to take everything alone, that I can share some of the burden.

"the flight will take around 12 hours, including the stops, so please be comfortable, and get to know the person next to you because you'll be stuck with him for what may seem like forever" the flight attentand announced through the microphone, earning loud laughters from most of the passengers.

Evo and I exchanged a funny glance, then we both bursted out laughing as well.

"that was a good one" I said fishing my ipod out of my bag.

"tell me about it" Evo replied checking the movie list on the small TV screen on the back of the seat infront of her.

"I'm gonna sleep" I said before I plugged in the earphones.

"ok, sweet dreams" she replied.

After a while of failing attempts to ignore the constant kicking from behind me, I took the earphones off, along with my seat belt and turned around, twins in around 8 years looked at me surprised, one of them chewing a huge purple gum in the most disgusting way possible.

Suddenly, I felt like bringing out the old Riss again...terrify the sh*t out of them...

"we're on a plane Riss, calm down", I heard my inner voice calling.

"I'm trying to get some sleep here" I glared at them.

No reply came out, instead the annoying one with the gum made the biggest balloon I ever saw, and it bursted out in a blow that almost reached his spiky hair.

I couldn't stop myself from laughing, karma baby..."you see kids, now that's called karma. stop kicking!!" they gave out a scared look, and I smiled back in victory, re-plugging my earphones.

I was comfortably lying my head back, listening to "airplanes", when my shuffle went straight to "over again" by 1D after it was over.

I'm on a freaken airplane, running away from you guys, why won't you just let me go?! I ripped off my earphones in disbelief, of my own luck.

For a second, I wished that Evo's "sweet dreams" would apply, because all I could think about was Louis. Did he know that I'm flying? How would he react? Would he even care? I shoved all of the outer annoyance, neglecting the whispers of strangers all around me and whatever thoughts I had about louis, and drifted into a deep sleep.

Story Of Us || Louis TomlinsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora