Waking up with Amnesia??

Start from the beginning

The day went by with a normal insult here and there and a few trips.But at least I didn't break anything like the beginning of the year,I quietly laughed to myself seeing as I am the the top model ,that all boys cherish and girls are jealous of , and here I am getting bullied like the World's Biggest Nerd but I do always get A's (except for that one B+ on a homework assignment my freshman year)I laughed again and went straight to my locker.

I opened my locker and put all my textbooks in there(seeing as it was the end of the day and I didn't need them today) and took out my blue Iphone 5c and ear buds planning on drowning myself with Ed Sheeran before I had to meet Derek and put the project together since it is due in a week. I was about to put my ear buds in when someone grabbed my wrist and whispered"Please tell me you drove the Honda" in my ear. I looked up to see my towering cousin Alex.

"Why?" He grabbed my arm (after I closed my locker) and brought me to the parking lot and pointed to Hanna who was by my car car with a knife,gas and a match .I gasped and hid my head in his shoulder

"Why would she do this?"I asked as I looked at her scratch my brand new car.

"You parked in her spot"he laughed

I glared at him "She's a dramatic B*ch"l laughed at myself and kissed his cheek "I'll sue her video tape it would you,Chico pañal?"He nodded as I walked to the library and took my phone out and called my dad "Can you send a car in like 2 or 3 hours-"and I explained him the problem and tried to find Derek so we could put the project together.

"Bye see you at dinner"he said and I laughed "Maybe"

"Yeah yeah if I don't make it I'll get some Nando's,bye dad"

For the next 15 minutes I looked around some of the school for him but gave up and went back to the library where I (shockingly) found him."Where were you?"We asked each other at the same time and laughed "I was looking for you for the last 15 minutes,where were you?"I put my hand on my hip.

"Well Miss.Sassy I went to the bathroom and came here 10 minutes ago...but lets get cracken"I gave him a look but started to work.Usually he flirted or tried to avoid doing the project.Occasionally even ignored me and tried to get away with leaving by creating a stupid lie like my sister was hit by a bus.He dosen't even have a sister.I hesitantly walked over to him and grabbed the supplies I brought.


"What do I do with these"Derek asked as he held up the glitter staring at it like it was a used pad or something.

"For decoration,duh see"I said as I put the glitter on some letters"Now do that"

"But it's so girly"he whined

"Fine...I'll do it and you put everything away in that bag"

After 15 minutes of glitter-fying and putting the decoration and papers up we were done"Do you mind bringing this to your house in your car"He nodded as saying he would.

"Can I ask why?"

"I'm going to get some Nando's"

"Sounds good"

"Wanna come?It's like 9:30"

"Sure,wheres your car ,I'll follow you"

"Actually I forgot my cars were having some.......troubles"I slipped I knew I just hope he doesn't notice"Someone was suppose to pick me up you mind if I ride with you?"I asked ready to walk away if it was a no,but I was suprised agreed.

"Sure hop in I'll get the project that I left in the library,quick question"


"Do you know who's car that Hanna burned?"

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