A cool finger pressed against her mouth silencing her.  “I am going to help you my sweet” the heavenly voice spoke again.  “I am going to make you feel all better.”

Shelby didn’t know who this man was and for a moment she briefly remembered her parents telling her how dangerous it was to talk with strangers but this man said that he was going to help her; surely her parents wouldn’t consider him a stranger if he was going to help her.

Weakly, she tried to nod her head but that little movement caused her a tremendous amount of pain.  She cried out in her little girl voice as the pain radiated though her small body.

“Hush, little one” the man said again and pressed his hand against her forehead.  The touch was cool and soothing once again calming Shelby instantly.  “It will be over very soon” the deep baritone voice crooned while lightly brushing back the stray lose hairs that had fallen across her face.

The man removed his hand from her face and Shelby could hear him rustling around beside her.  She assumed that he was probably reaching for his cell phone to call 911 and in her small mind she started to get excited at the prospect of riding in an ambulance with all of the bright lights and sirens being turned on.

“Here we are my sweet” the man said softly.

Shelby was confused; she didn’t understand what the man meant by ‘here we are my sweet’What about the ambulance she wondered and at that very moment something cool touched her lips. It was cool and then it was wet.

“Drink” the voice cooed again.  “Drink this sweet and you will hurt no more”.

Shelby was hurting really bad and at this time she would do anything to make it all go away.  She tried to open her mouth but her strength had deteriorated to almost nothing.  Frustrations were finally starting to get to her.  Tears slowly tracked down her cheeks as she tried once more to open her mouth.

It was useless.  She was going to die.

“Here” the voice spoke again and helped to prod her mouth open.  With the nice mans help the liquid started to pour easily down her throat.  The taste was salty and bitter causing Shelby to gag but she was determined to get it down.  He had told her it would make the pain stop and she believed him. 

After several minutes of the liquid draining down her throat Shelby couldn’t take any more.  The taste was awful and she felt like she was going to be sick.  Her strength was starting to come back in earnest and as it did she tried to move her mouth away from the source of that putrid drink.

“No, no more” Shelby whined aloud trying to close her mouth and get away from it.

“You have to drink a little more” the man told her, “Come on my sweet, just a little more and it will all be over” he encouraged.

Shelby didn’t want to drink anymore. “No” she yelled out again and the man had to hold her head still while forcing just a little more of the liquid down her throat.

Blood Bound- Book 1 of the Bonded Series- CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now