9: Happy Birthday Mase!!

Start from the beginning

It killed to see him like this but imagining his face when he finds out what I've got stashed for him later on...

I smiled.

Flashback Over

Miranda and Jade were back, tucking, curling and just messing with my hair and makeup.

I was wearing a black 'sexy', their words not mine, one-strap and backless dress, with black stiletto heels.

"Ok..." Jade breathed out.

"We're done" Miranda sighed.

Jade was wearing a soft pink dress, reaching below her thighs, her hair was curled and her makeup was soft. She wore pink sandals with heels.

Miranda was wearing a white elegant dress, her hair was in a bun and her makeup was soft too. She wore white heels.

I looked in the mirror and smiled. My makeup was light but awesome. My eyes had this whole smoky effect and I was wearing pink lip-gloss. My hair was curled and in a bun with a small curly strand handing out at the front.

I smiled and hugged both of them. "Thanks"

"God, you've changed" exclaimed Miranda, grinning at me.

"I know right, Mase really changed you"

"And I changed him..." I whispered to myself, smiling.

Euch!! That sounds so...movie-ish?

Mason's P.O.V

Yes, it angered my wolf slightly that Rox forgot my birthday, even though I told her yesterday.

Yes it hurt me that she forgot but, it's cool, atleast she's accepted me as her mate, finally.

I tried to speak to her through the mind link but she blocked me out, she does that so much!!

Am I not an awesome person to talk to?

I chuckled, shaking my head.


I spend too much time with Rox, though it always feels so little.

I parked in the driveway and raised an eyebrow when I saw a piece of toilet paper hang down from my bathroom.

What is going on?

I got out from the car, locked it and opened the door.

It was quiet...but...


I smiled, shaking my head.

I had smelt them already, but I can act like I never knew...

I searched around the room for Rox, she was obviously behind this.

I saw Zane and Jade, hugging each other.

I saw Eric, smiling with some...is that icing? Stuck in his teeth.

I saw Haden with toilet paper stuck to his left shoe.

I saw Vince and Miranda, kissing. Really? At my birthday?!

But I couldn't see Rox.

"HADEN!!" I heard her beautiful voice yell. I heard the sound of heels race down the stairs. "What the hell did you do to the bathroom?!"

Her eyes widened when she saw me.

I chuckled.

"Aww man!!" she stomped her foot down. "I missed it?! I thought you guys were practicing again!! Ok, Mase step outside and we'll do it again" she said making her way over to me.

Captured! [Book 2 of The Denied! Series] {NEEDS MAJOR EDITTING!}Where stories live. Discover now