Captivation Part 45

Start from the beginning

"So you're a decent guy and you owe Caitlin your support." Nigel looked over at Candy who was standing close beside him, her ear pressed close to his as she eavesdropped on Nigel's conversation with Jared. Candy grimaced as she thought about what Caitlin might have to face that evening. Nigel told Jared, "She's going to be the butt of every joke! The least you can do is be there for her."

"Why would she be the butt of every joke?" Jared frowned. He'd been the one weathering the storm as he waited for her to return. If Caitlin thought he was going to ignore her reaction to that kiss and then dump him for Rob, she was about to learn differently!

Candy took the phone from Nigel and with an air of exasperation, and much to Nigel's amusement, she carried on the conversation, "Because people are baffled. Does he or doesn't he want to marry her! Desperate woman still unable to attract a man with and without her father's assistance. Or finally Cait's got him because she's tricked him and seduced him with what some are loosely calling a kiss!" Nigel knew better then to try to get the phone back from Candy. She was not happy with Jared. He knew that. In any case Candy was better at dealing with Jared!

"It was just a kiss." Not that he was going to discuss that kiss. "By the way, what do you know about a guy called Robert?" Jared decided that as he had Candy on the phone he would tap her for information.

"Robert?" It was Candy's turn to frown. She hadn't had an opportunity to speak to Jared since the engagement as she and Nigel had taken a short trip to the South Island when her parents had headed back after the engagement party. So she wasn't sure exactly what had happened, only that something had happened at the party and that Caitlin was not talking about it.

"Robert Quentin. Do you know him?" Just saying his name raised Jared's hackles. What was it about Robert Quentin that Caitlin liked?

"Yes, of course I know him. He's her best friend." Candy stated in annoyance.

"More than that." Murmured Jared with obvious insinuation.

"I doubt it." Candy snapped.

"Shows what you know."

"I know he's gay. I know Caitlin knows he's gay. I know her father knows he's gay." Candy rattled off as if it was all public knowledge and on some information bulletin.

"What?" Jared knew he sounded as surprised as he felt. Her father hadn't told him that when he'd paid him a visit. Jared had met Caitlin's father at their home.

After trying to contact her on the phone, and getting nowhere, he had gone round to her house. And found her father at home. The two men had had what could only be described as a frank and direct conversation standing on the doorstep. Jacinto Fonseca took the opportunity correct a few of Jared's misplaced assumptions and accusations. Jacinto Fonseca told Jared that his daughters did not need their father's help in finding themselves partners. Jared accepted that dig. Jacinto Fonseca then told Jared that Neil had come to see him, because he'd seen Jared and Caitlin in a compromising position that evening of the engagement. Expecting a tongue lashing, Jacinto Fonseca had simply told Jared to stay away from his daughter before closing the door and leaving Jared standing on the doorstep. What Jacinto Fonseca hadn't told Jared was that Robert was gay.

"The whole world's gone mad." Jared snapped. "Why the hell didn't she tell me that?"

"Why are you asking me?" Candy replied. "So, I take it we can count on your support?"

"I'll be there."

"Good!" Candy smiled. "I'll hand you back to Nigel! Bye Jared. And, Jared, don't blow it again!" She told him, astonished at her own bravery in ordering a man like Jared around. But it was for a good cause.

He entered the hall and knew immediately that he was the centre of attention. Let the drama commence. He scanned the room and spotted her. She was surrounded by a group of four good looking men. He wasn't sure he knew them, but they looked familiar.

Caitlin watched him approach and pinned a smile on. She could handle this. That's why she had practically blackmailed her four male cousins to attend. They usually flatly refused to go to any social event, knowing as they did that they instantly became target practice for some desperate woman. Caitlin glanced at them, noticed that they too had noted that Jared was approaching. She took a breath, she could manage this. Of course she could, after all she'd coped with the snide remarks, the jokes, the innuendo for the last hour or so, what could he possibly do to add to that?

"Caitlin." He stopped in front of her, "Good to see you."

"Really." She looked at him with utter skepticism, and then gave him a head to toe scan.

"You're looking well." He told her as he afforded her the same courtesy and gave her a blatant top to toe scan.

"Thank you."

"Would you like to dance?"

Caitlin wasn't sure whether to thump him or scream. After all that he'd done to her, he had the nerve to just front up and expect her to dance with him. But before she could respond, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She smiled when she saw who it was.

"Our dance."

She smiled apologetically, but insincerely at Jared, "Excuse me."

Jared ran his tongue around his teeth as he replayed the scene and knew that the night was going to be a long one. "That I guess was Robert Quentin." He stated to the group around even as he knew that he was the focus of their hostile glares.

"That was Dan." He was informed by a tall, clearly antagonistic, male.

"Dan?" Jared wondered whether he ought to find out who this group of bodyguards were.

"Dan Menzies." Said the same man coolly and watched Jared with open hostility.

"Right." Jared looked at each one of the men in the group, none backed off. He figured he ought to introduce himself, make sure they knew he was here for the long haul. "I'm Jared."

"We know." He was told by another. Not that the man sounded impressed.

"Stop pestering Cait." Said another with equally blunt hostility in his tone.

"I think you'll find she has every dance accounted for." Said the fourth.

Jared merely looked at them, and then turned to face the dance floor. But he did not move from that table or their presence. And so it went for the next hour. Every time she returned to her group having danced, and despite the fact Jared asked her to dance, another man would approach and lead her away for another dance. She had loyal male friends. And clearly a lot of them were here tonight!

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