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~Ten years later~

The Akashi Enterprise was bustling with movements from Akashi's viewpoint. The red-head stands tall on the level above, a sleek model of the latest phone in hand. His secretary waits patiently in front of him. With a wave of his hand, the secretary nods and bows at Akashi. She then walks away.

"At the usual place? Okay, I'll be there." Beep.

Akashi lets out sigh, smiling at bit after that talk with an old friend. Time had passed by so quickly that he too, had lost track of it. It's been ten years already, and eleven years since she-

"Akashi-sama, your wife is calling. How should I answer her this time?" Ririchiyo, Akashi's secretary, questions.

Akashi tightens his hold on the gadget in his hand at the mention of his wife. He shrugs, casting a sideway glance at Ririchiyo. "Give her the usual answer. You should know this by now."

"Hai, I understand." Ririchiyo says, her stoic demeanor not once changing. The raven head turns around slightly, unmuting her call. "Miwa-san, Akashi-sama is currently busy at the moment. You can give me the message, and I'll relay it back to-"

Akashi tries to suppress his laughter as his assistant looks at her phone silently, drilling invisible holes through the device.

"She ended the call before I can finish my sentence. How rude." Ririchiyo states nonchalantly.

"Maybe she's sick of that answer. Give her a different excuse next time." Akashi waves, this time he's the one walking away.

He can feel Ririchiyo's disapproving stare on his retreating figure. He almost make it to the elevator until Ririchiyo's voice stops him in his track.

"Maybe you should stop running away from her and not come home in the middle of night like a thief any further. It's been four years since you guys are married, for Teiko's sake!"

Akashi chuckles, his back still facing the young lady. "Thanks for the advice, but it's not going to change my actions."

The elevator's doors ping open, and a certain blondie appears on the other side.

"Akashicchi!" Kise yells, dashing out of the confined space in excitement.

Akashi swiftly dodges Kise's bone-crushing hug, making the model trips in mid-air.

"That was mean, Akashicchi." Kise pouts, rubbing his behind.

Kise's eyes then trails to a pair of black high heels. "Ririchiyocchi!"

Ririchiyo rolls her eyes at the model, ignoring him completely. The female walks into the elevator, clicking the close button before Kise can bust through it with his tall frame.

Kise sighs. "She's just angry that I haven't been taking my vitamins lately."

Akashi laughs at this statement. Kise scans his friend's face, then smiles softly. "You're attending tonight's reunion?" Kise asks, his eyes hopeful.

"Yeah, I am. It's been a long time after all."

"Talk about "long time"! It's been three years!" Kise wails, putting a hand against his heart. "Though I have to admit, I'm only going because Kurokocchi is going to be there."

Akashi smiles. "Hm. Kuroko, Aomine, and Kagami have been busy with their basketball career lately."

Out of all the Generation of Miracles, only Kuroko and Aomine continue to pursue basketball even after college, with the addition of Kagami of course. The three joined the same team after their graduation, and Momoi soon followed their footstep. She became a basketball advisor for their team and also acts as a recruiter.

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