Bold complex

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Out the box

Now I can truly be free

Don't tell me what should

Tell me what shouldn't

I define words

They don't define me

Why can't I

If I can

you don't like how I foresee

The end of love before we begin

You hate the world I live in

One of which I reign

Her majesty

Bow to queen of who care

I am who I am

Proud to be

They all hate me

They want a carbon copy

Break my heart

Destroy my body

But i'll still be


My mind will forever live


Let our lives

Be molded

In amber

As we try to buy forever at a price



I write what's on my mind

So I don't worry about

What's troubling my heart

My heart and mind bickers

But my mind

Protects my heart

Locke's with a key

Placed in my stomach

Through my stomach

And through my mind

Is how I fall For you, believe

INSIDE MY MINDWhere stories live. Discover now