All she wrote

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Walking down this old road 

All battered and bruised

To the devils house

For a little more scarring

My eyes set on the horizon

Still fixed just out of view

Eyes red

Lungs out of breath

Body in pain

Shall I put myself to rest

I have to fight 

If I want to leave

But I can't

The doors are locked

I scream for help

But no one hears me


Inside the devils house

All I want is escape

The red queen wants her own way

Or it's off with your head

I'm dying

But I look happy

Make up

Covers all bruises

Look inside do you see

A little girl  crying for solace

And peace

Always dreaming of place where I could hide

Live my life inside this place

So  in reality I wouldn't have to confide


I push past normal

Because it was normal that started this hell

I was never normal

My parents knew this well

Forced it upon me

What I'll never be 

I'm broken in pieces

The first chunk broke off at three

Couldn't learn my abc's

Or count 123

So I was punnished

My Family joined them

I was the discarded one

The hated one

That seed hatred

Grew up in me

I cry

I scream

And now

I'n insane


Idiopathic Depression

Relief of tension

Cut myself internally

Just to feel safe

Crying into the arms of friends

Wishing for better days

Away from home away from my troubles

Free my soul

Shut up 

And free my mind

No more will I hear

Of how incapable I am

Want to help people

But I'm too broken to do so

I try my best and solve others problems

Best advice giver

But can't give my own

Make a lot of friends

Just to loose all but one

My world is crumbling down

I'm screeching

Halting the tires

Got to pick myself up

Inside the devils house

There's hell to pay

Walk with my head down

What confidence can I have

If no one is lifting me up

Can't give myself what I don't have


It's all i have

So I gave it up

Just so it could be thrown away

Break my heart

All I have is my words

Pages of my pain

My tears

My laughter

and my smiles

But I will still stay strong

Even though I'm weak

Because you can't walk into paradise


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