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Do you see the sings the I see

do you have the curiosity of a kitten

like me?

do you take risks with everything

like me?

What do you believe

Do you go all in

like me?

just to find out

he'd cheat

Do you build a parallel world

Just so you could shut the door

Does everyone you know

turns the key

and now you're paying for love

like me?

Tell me sweet lies

Ones where you say

It's just you and me

 love is a drug

And I'm high off that motherfucker

Screw it I'm done

Staying sober forever

Do you believe in mad hatters

Or call yourself insane

Just to compensate

For the way you behave

Ever name yourself after a drug

Just so everyone will love what you are?

I'm twisted

Mentally complacent

There is for me

a place in heaven

One day you'll see

I'm not at all what you think


I can read your lies through your


Facial expressions

they never lie

are you guilty now?

Do you see the things

I do

Dreams in colour

Of a world

Where everything is not what it seems?

tears on a page

My heart

Written in ink

Heart bled

It's a mystery

Emotional wreak

Once I reach my end


What's done

is done

And the

baby it's

All gone

I am different

The way I think

The way I act

You'll never find

Another like me

that's a fact

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