chapter 26

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When school starts again, KK and I start sitting on the same side of the table rather than across from each other during lunch; my hand starts finding his under the desk during classes, and I think people are finally catching on that we're dating.

Oh, KK is also ambidextrous. I figure this out when I realize he has always been sitting next to me on the right, meaning when I hold his hand, it's the left one; his dominant hand. But he still draws all through the period, and it looks about the same skill as if he was drawing with his left.

When I ask about it, he laughs and says he taught himself to use his left hand, and he's actually right handed, he's just so used to his left, he doesn't find it necessary to keep using his right.

I end up laughing too, but just because that's completely ridiculous and completely... KK.

I think he's smiling more too. He always seems to have a slight upturn to his lips, is always happy, and I like it. It's not quite the KK I fell in love with, but it doesn't feel out of place at all. On the contrary, I feel like KK was always this... happy kid, and he had just been covering it up with his angry mask, and now he's opened up more. And because of me. I think that makes me more happy than anything.

Jade finally hooks up with the Hipster, whose name we find is Dave, and they become a total item, much like FF and Eridan had, as one of the few heterosexual couples in the school. Eridan has actually kind of given up his grudge against me, since I am no longer a "threat" for Feferi. Feferi says she knew we'd get past our differences, like she knew I'd end up gay or something. I hate it when people are like that.

I've applied to five colleges, February marks the month KK gets accepted to his college of choice, my uncle has the "Don't you dare break-up with him, because you have a good thing going" talk with me, and the only sad thing that's happened is when AA had to return to Egypt the second week of January, but that was over four months ago. I honestly thought my senior year of highschool would be the worst, but it's turning out to be the best months of my life, and KK definitely plays a big part in that.

Don't get me wrong: he's still a little ball of anger and swearing, but now it only seems half-hearted, and downright endearing. How someone shouting bloody murder at a table for stubbing their toe is endearing, I may never know.

KK and Jade didn't tell me his birthday until the week before, so I had to scramble around looking for a present. I managed, through much searching, to find him an art theory book, which he read in one night, and I got him a new silver nose-stud. He hasn't worn his gold one since then.

Things are going really well, to put it simply. A lot of relationships crash and burn by month three, or are at least running out of fuel, but I don't see KK breaking up with me any time soon, nor I him. If anything, I think we're just getting closer, and even Nanda is surprised we've lasted this long.

I'm actually not. Judging by the fact that he's letting me rest my chin on his head right now, arms draped over his shoulders from above, where I lay on his couch while he sits on the floor, I don't think breaking up in our repertoire. He doesn't even protest, even against the weight of my head.

Actually, I think he's ignoring me, but I let him, not wanting to break the fragile peace that's settled over us while he watch one of his romcoms.

I inhale contently, closing my eyes.

"How long you gonna stay up there?" I can tell he's not really annoyed, so just grin and refuse to budge.

"Until you make me move, dumbath." The phone starts ringing loudly from its place attached to the kitchen cabinet closest to the door, and I sit up so KK can move, pausing the movie.

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