chapter 9

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I stare down at Karkat, wondering how the fuck he managed to end up on his back. How many things are in this room to trip on, anyway? Then I see he's got one of his feet caught on the section ropes.

He's rubbing his head, cursing under his breath, and he looks ready to murder something. He's blushing too, but I can't tell if its from his weird spacing-out earlier, or because he's now on his ass like a total idiot.

It looks like the fall had really hurt, but I make no move to help him up. There's this weird stirring in my chest that I can't explain, and my neck feels hot. How can Karkat possibly look so cute while he's looking like a complete klutz?

While I stand, looking down at my newest friend struggle to a sitting position, I come to realize I'm in love with a miserable fuck with two left feet.

You'd think that admitting to yourself that you're gay is the hard part, but no, that was pretty easy. It's the thoughts that come after realizing you're gay that are hard. First and foremost is "What if he finds out?", next is "Is he gay too?", and finally, and at this point the most important, "What do I do if my uncle finds out?"

Yeah, so I'm pretty occupied through History and lunch, and I practically ignore everything Karkat says to me. It's not that I'm not interested, I just have a more pressing matter on my mind. I live with a man who grounds his nephew, who he doesn't even technically have custody of, because of silly cat videos. How the fuck do you think he's going to react to me being gay?

I slide further down in my chair, nodding to Karkat like I'm listening. We're in the cafeteria, at a table in the back corner, away from all the jocks and cheerleaders.

"That'th cool." I mutter in response to some question Karkat's asked me.

"You sure? Because I'm pretty sure I just asked you if you wanna go jump off a building." I look up in surprise to find Karkat holding my gaze knowingly. "How long did you think it'd take me to realize you're completely out of it?"

"Thorry." He just smiles, crumpling his napkin to throw it at me.

"We're even now I guess." I watch him pull out his sketchbook and a new stick of charcoal, then he pauses and looks over at me. "What are you smiling at?" Shit.

I change my smile to a smirk and stick out my tongue, hoping he hasn't caught onto anything.

"You'll never know, KK."

"Why the fuck do you keep calling me that?"

"Theriouthly, how many other people have two k'th in their name?" He glares at me and returns to his drawing.

I watch him silently. He has this look of concentration on his face, bordering on elation. His left hand is flying over the paper, eyes following each stroke like a cat watching a mouse. I thank the gods controlling class schedules that I'll get to see Karkat work everyday.

I had been told I was good at art, but I'm nothing compared to Karkat. I'd call it natural talent, but from what I gather, he just draws a lot. His sketchbook is almost full, and I highly doubt this is the only one littering his bedroom.

Ok, thinking about his bedroom is just creepy, so I look away from him, and spot several jocks glaring in our direction. They're whispering to each other, and pointing, and one even snickers.

I'm almost positive this is because of Karkat's hair. Here in Derse, you don't get a lot of strange people, and a blue-haired student transferring half-way through the year? That's as strange as you can get.

I glare back until they notice, and turn away. Fortunately enough for me, I have a bit of a reputation for last year's incident, and I'm pretty sure they'll leave us alone.

My thoughts are interrupted by a soft buzzing. Karkat sets his notebook on the table to pull his phone from his pocket, flipping it open.

"Hey, Nanda. Yeah, its going good. Yeah, that's fine. I can walk home. Do you want me to pick anything up on the way back? Ok, see you tonight." He hangs up. "Sorry about that."

"It'th no problem. A change of planth?"

"Yeah, my sister just got a date, so she can't pick me up from school." Who could ask for a more perfect opportunity?

"You need a ride?"

"What, yeah that'd be great! I fucking hate the cold!" He shudders as if just the thought of the cold pained him.

I glance down at his drawing and nearly have another heart-attack. I don't know how he knows her, but that drawing is Jade Harley. There's no way it can't be. Albeit a little younger than what I'm used to, the girl with glasses and a lopsided grin that's staring back at me is the same Jade Harley that sits next to me in Art.

Jade had left for Skaia a week and a half-ago, to look for someone she used to know. Apparently he'd had a pretty fucked up life.

"Hey, KK. How long thince you moved?"

"Um, I've been in Derse for about three weeks now." Ok, then it's completely possible he just saw her in passing. Before I can ask about the subject of the drawing, a drawling, high-and-mighty voice I know all too well interrupts me.

"Wwho is this, Captor?" I slowly turn to look at the biggest douche in existence. Eridan Ampora stands next to our table, arms crossed over his geeky purple sweater. How any girls think him cool, with his striped scarf and weird cape-coat thing, I will never understand.

Karkat glances at me questioningly.

"'Wwhy' don't you jutht athk him yourthelf?" I mock him, sending a bolt of anger into his eyes.

"Karkat Vantas. Nice to meet you." Why the fuck is he being so nice to Ampora? You don't shake hands with Ampora, and you sure as fuck do not smile at Ampora!

Ampora seems to be thinking the same thing, eyeing Karkat's offered hand in disgust.

"Wwell, it's vvery nice to meet you, Mr. Vvantas. Captor." He turns his attention back to me. "Mr. Parker wwould like to see you after class. He has an issue wwith how you're runnin the projector."

"Fucking perfect. Thankth, Ampora." He glare at each other for what seems like a solid minute. "You can leave now, Ampora." A blush rises blatantly in his cheeks.

"I wwill leave wwhen I feel like it, Captor! Now, finish your commoner meals, wwhile I return to more important matters." He 'wwhips' around and strides out of the cafeteria. As soon as his back is turned, I make a face at his retreating figure.

"So, um, what was that about?"

"Ampora and I have a bit of a rivalry."

"What about?"

"Let's just say he liked the girl I was going out with." Karkat's eyes widen in surprise, and... disappointment?

"Who's the girl?" Shit, does he think I'm still into Feferi? Before I can deny any current association with Feferi, the bell rings. Karkat stands, already eyeing his schedule.

"Um, I have English next, so I'll see you in Chemistry?"

"Y-Yeah." He's already walking away, running his fingers through his hair and sighing.

Ok, there's going to be some major clarification during chemistry.

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