94. Astonishment [Tyki]

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Theme: Astonishment

Person: Tyki Mikk

[Name] grew up beside all the Noah, thinking of them as her family. They were always together, except for when the other Noah was on missions or something else.

She was very fond of Tyki and Road, they were her favourite siblings, even though they weren't related by blood. The Millennium Earl was like her father, after he picked her up from the streets to live with him. She was very grateful for that.

[Name] heard the door open and heard the favourite pair's voices. They were back from their mission. She jumped up from her sitting position and headed to the door, wanting to greet them.

Seeing Road first, she jumped onto Road, hugging her tightly. She was just a little bit smaller than Road, so she was considered as her little sister. But she was still growing.

"Welcome back, Road-chan, Tyki-kun!" She beamed. Road smiled and hugged her back, then [Name] hugged Tyki, happy that he was back also.

Tyki patted the girl on the head, before he picked her up from under the arms and brought her up, before lowering her down, then lifting her up again.

"Tyki-kun, what are you doing?" [Name] asked.

"You're a lot heavier now!" Tyki commented, astonishment in his voice.

[Name] pouted and tried kicking him, but missed. Tyki couldn't help but laugh at her cuteness, making [Name] all the more want to kick him, even though he was one of her favourite siblings.

D.Gray-Man Emotions DrabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora