23. Agony [Allen Walker]

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Theme: Agony

Person: Allen Walker

[Name] watched in fright as the Noah dragged Allen Walker away, away from her arms, away from the Order and his friends. She reached out weakly to Allen and the Noah with her arm; it was bloody and bruised from the previous fight with the Noah just before they took Allen away. She felt hot tears come from her eyes, true tears. It was the first time something like that had happened.

"N-No...Al...ALLEN!" [Name] screamed, using the last of her voice before she blacked out, falling unconscious onto the ground.

Allen heard her desperate cry and whipped his head around to see [Name]. The Noah moved his head back to face the front and laughed.

"Look at her...clinging on to life." A Noah stated, chuckling darkly.

Allen cracked, his hand clenching into a fiery fist. He struggled out of the Noah's grasp, successful even only for a second, and ran to [Name], desperately needing to come back to her. He shook her softly, but his eyes widened and his heart stopped beating, his breathing hitching for seconds at what he saw.

A spear had impaled itself inside [Name], going straight through from one side to the other. It had gone straight for the heart. Allen couldn't help but shout out, screaming out in complete agony and heart wrenching pain at the sight and the loss.

He knew the Noah had done it; he knew it. They would do anything to get him – absolutely anything. They were ruthless. Allen hugged [Name]'s body, tears streaming down his cheeks as he thought of all the good memories they shared together.

He would remember her forever.

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