Chapter 16

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chapter 16 - Louis

Panic flooded me like an ocean on a freezing day, chilling me through the bone as my eyes snapped open. Hurriedly, they took in my surroundings but the darkness invaded my vision, making it very difficult to make out specifically what I was looking at. But I knew I was sitting, and I knew leather restraints bounded around my ankles and wrists, and I also knew this chair was hurting my ass.

An eerie silence swallowed the dark room I was captivated in, sending my heart into anxious backflips as I tried to process what happened. All I remember is Harry confessing his love for me, my bracelet being ripped off, Harry's heavenly lips against mine, and the being dragged away. From then on out, it's practically a foggy memory I'll never remember clearly.

The horrifying echo of shoes clacking against the tile soon intervened with the silence, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. My breath hitched in my throat, my eyes growing huge as I glanced nervously around the darkness, trying to depict which direction the person was walking in.

"W-who's there?" I asked shakily, my voice coming out in a hoarse whisper and I thanked God that this wasn't a cliché scenario where a gag was in my mouth.


Deep rumbles sounding as if they were coming from within the chest, growing closer along with my urge to scream. My chest heaved rapidly, my eyes flitting around the space multiple times over and over, desperately trying to see behind me but to no avail due to the restraints locking me in place. If hearts made noise, you would be able to hear it pounding in my chest throughout the entire room. I was petrified.

Cool air brushes against my skin as icy fingers touch my shoulder, causing me to shudder with the sudden action. I bit my bottom lip furiously, encouraging myself not to cry knowing it only makes you appear weaker. It easily gives your predator the chance to laugh, the chance to make you vulnerable. And although I'm a very emotional person, I was surprised at how calm (not really) I was managing to stay.

Or act, at least.

"You were quite a difficult one to catch, my dear." The voice was sickeningly familiar, although I've only heard it minimum times, I knew it well enough. The foul stench clinging to his voice caused my nose to involuntarily scrunch up.

Marcus was now well in the room.

"You should have seen how quickly my son was running to try and save you," he whispered near my ear, tremors paralyzing my entire being.

"What do you want?" I muttered through clenched teeth, the only way possible to hold back the fear dwelling inside of me.

Marcus walked to where he stood in front of me, a smirk tugging his lips upwards as he trailed a finger from my temple, all the way to my collarbone, leaving a disgusting trail of hatred behind them. "Why, I think it's quite obvious what I want, love ."

"Don't call me that," I snapped, surprised at this new confidence I was able to muster.

Harry would be proud.

Marcus' jaw clenched as he leaned forward, resting his hands on the arms of the chair as his face became merely inches from mine. "Do you remember that spectacular power you were able to release back in the clearing?" he murmured through gritted teeth, eyeing me conspicuously.

My heart hammered in my chest as the remembrance of wind striking the ground came back to me, right as my palms had made contact. Each body that had flew backwards, either into trees or out of sight. But one detail stuck out the most; I had saved Harry's life. I had been repaying him for all the times he'd been there for me, he never let anything harmful near.

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