Chapter 2

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*This is a larry re write of the amazing fanfic 'half bad' by the incredible juliaxwrites (we got permission) all rights reserved to her and all credits *

chapter 2 - Harry

"Jesus, do you ever stop talking?" I huffed as we maneuvered through the trees, Louis rambling about God knows what. It started with my snarky attitude, and somehow he managed to get on the topic of his fear of the dark. I didn't care about any of the shit he was telling me, but I did find out one useful fact from him.

Looks can be deceiving.

Of course I've heard the phrase multiple times, but Louis was just the perfect example. He was beautiful without a doubt, but those lips just keep moving and moving, and noise just keeps spilling out of him. If I had pens, I'd rather jam them in my earholes than continue listening to his ranting. I'm not a patient person to begin with, and now I've grown beyond the point of irritated.

"You know," he started, "You are just so rude, Harry. I'm talking about serious subjects and you're being a jerk.'

I rolled my eyes, stepping over a fallen branch on the ground. "Your phobias are not in my category of serious, Louis. I honestly don't give a shit what you're afraid of, because that's your own problem."

"Well what are you going to do tonight and I can't sleep?"

"Maybe I'll push you into a river to drown your wailing," I told him with a shrug, although I was mainly joking. Sure, I'll kill anyone who gets in my way, but this boy's only downfall is his excessive speaking.

"I'm being serious, Harry. The dark really freaks me out," Louis said, but the fear behind his voice was firmer, more evident than before.

I glance over my shoulder at him, watching as his skin paled but I act as if it didn't bother me, "When you close your eyes, you see darkness, right? So what's the big deal about being outside?"

Louis sighed, and I knew I'm getting on his nerves. "Whatever," he grumbled. "Just forget I ever even said anything."

Puffing out air from my cheeks, I did feel a little empathy towards the boy. His abuse isn't any of my business, but it had to be bad from what his eyes had shown me. Nothing but terror etched across his face when I brought it up, giving away the fact that it was a sore subject to him. I've been repeatedly, incessantly, and gruesomely tortured for two years straight, so I could understand a little of what he had been put through. But I can bet all the money he didn't suffer as bad as me.

I had the map memorized in my mind of where I was going, but I was pondering up what to with Louis when we got there. He didn't need to be involved with this.

Besides, the last thing I need is my mates drooling over him while we're trying to conjure up a plan. I don't need them getting distracted or off task while we converse about what to do, but--

"H-Harry..." Louis' soft voice stammered out from behind me.

Groaning, I kept walking. "What is it now?" I asked, beyond exasperated with his repeated questions and phobias.

"Help," he whispered, his voice hardly audible.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I turned around to see that he had stepped on a trap the Council must've set up. My eyes widened slightly, the mouth looking as if it would snap around his ankle any given moment. He could seriously lose his foot if this trap were to go off on him, and I wasn't in the mood to deal with blood and try to stitch his foot back on, Not only was it disgusting, but it was time consuming. We were running out of time as it was.

Half Bad //l.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora