Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - Louis

"Harry, I'm asking you legitimate questions here," I grumbled as I skimmed the racks, depicting my possible outfits to try on.

Harry rolled his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. "Louis, I honestly don't care, all right? I'm sure anything will look good on you, so as long as it's not tight and revealing , I really don't care.  Clothes aren't my biggest concern."

My cheeks flushed at his small comment, but I forced a scowl and a sigh before yanking down a couple of nice shirts. I knew Harry was being extra cautious by continuously scanning the premises, but it was believable since he was a widely known criminal. However, not many people filled the all-around market store this afternoon. I've never been in this town, wherever we are, but it seemed to be pretty vacant.

Ryan and Liam were wondering around the food department while Jessie stayed near us, helping Harry look out for the possible spies. Jessie may be a good witch, but he's still accompanying a man destined evil, so he'd be in fault as well if we were to be caught just by grouping with us. But I really hope that won't be the case.

Harry and Jessie followed me like lost puppies as I walked to the dressing rooms, determined to get out of these clothes. I had a shower last night, but putting on the same clothes you've worn the past few days wasn't very satisfying. I didn't have much of a choice, but my body was telling me it was time for fresh fabric.

After trying on the various clothing, I picked out my favourite before meeting the boys in the lobby of the dressing rooms. Harry raised an eyebrow expectantly at me, so I nodded and held up the clothes I decided to get.

So far Harry had gone unnoticed as the cashier scanned each item before swiftly bagging them. I stood in front of the register to pay, but right when I went to get my money I'd been saving up; Harry had already pulled his wallet out. I frowned at him, not comprehending why he'd pay for so much for me. I was capable of independency and I could definitely buy my own clothing.

"What was that for?" I hissed at him as the cashier raised her eyebrows, curiosity washing over her face.

Harry shrugged, his dimples catering as he cheekily smiled. "You always tell me to be nice, so that's what I'm doing."

I sighed, heaving a hand through my quiff. "I still could've paid for that."

Harry rolled his eyes, not replying. My eyes flickered back to the cashier who seemed to be eyeing harry very carefully. First it appeared she was checking him out (I mean, he's beautiful so how could you not), but then her eyebrows seemed to furrow. I watched as she peeked behind her to a bulletin board, and there it was; a wanted sign with Harry's face in the middle.

The lady went to reach for the phone, but Harry seemed to have been watching her too as his deep voice boomed, "Don't even think about it."

She looked up at him with fearful eyes, widened in terror, as I looked around for witnesses, but none seemed to be around. The shop was decently small to begin with, so it wasn't all that surprising that the area was decently empty. Jessie was too busy helping Liam and Ryan stack groceries on the conveyor belt to notice the woman's realization of Harry. But then she started gasping, her hands flying to her throat.

My head snapped to Harry as he narrowed his green eyes, the tension evident in the air as the woman stumbled back into the thin wall behind her. It hit me that harry wasn't just planning on torture like with me, but he was going to kill her.

"Harry, quit!" I shouted, as I tried to capture his attention, but his stern eyes remained locked on the girl. In a swift movement, I used my index finger to jerk his chin in my direction, but I retaliated my hand before any burn marks could be left. He seemed to snap out of some trance as I scolded him, "Are you insane? You can't just kill her, Harry!"

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