Chapter 4

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chapter 4 - Louis

My heavy eyes peeled open to the same sightings I fell asleep too, trees and dirt. Aside from the little stream we were lucky to be by, nothing else appealing stuck out to me. Trees to the left, trees to the right, and dirt beneath your feet. I excepted to see Harry next to me, still sleeping, but instead there was a vacant spot where his body once had been.

Immediately, I panicked.

"Harry?" I called, swallowing the lump that threatened to form. I hollered for him again, praying over and over that he hadn't left me. Would he do that? Last night he wasn't acting half bad, being kind and distracting me from my phobia.

But then reality hit me and I realized this is Harry Styles I'm talking about; the irrational bastard that tried to choke me.

My hands began to shake as I called him a third time, my heart nearly leaping out of my chest when he dropped down in front me from a tree. I looked up at the tree he just jumped from, noticing it was pretty damn high. Trying to shake off the shock and focus on the the fear, I glared at him.

"Calm the hell down, Louis." Harry rubbed his forehead. "I was making sure we weren't being followed."

"Why didn't you wake me up instead of just leaving me there?" I scolded.

Harry rolled his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. "You looked like you were sleeping well, so I left you alone." I rose an eyebrow at him, surprised by his generosity. But then he gave me a look and said, "What? Did you want me to scream in your ear? There's still time for that, Louis." He smirked.

"Thanks." I muttered under my breath. "For not waking me up."

Harry rolled his eyes again. "This doesn't have to turn into some sappy shit, Louis. I let you sleep and that's that. Now we need to start going before they pick up on our trail."

"You know, it wouldn't kill you to say you're welcome once in a while," I grumbled as I began talking behind him, snatching up my duffel bag and slipping my shoes on.

"That's actually an understatement, Louis. If I were to be polite and accept your gratitude, I would basically be going against the laws of a Black Witch. Rule number one, we don't take compliments or pathetic little 'thanks' from people."

Groaning in annoyance, I heaved a hand through my hair and realized the Harry from last night had completely diminished. Maybe he was just tired and was talking out of his mind, but I liked that Harry from last night. The one that distracted me and calmed me down and gave me an entire lecture on seeing the future. I liked that Harry a lot.

"You could always turn into a good witch," I reminded him.

Harry scoffed, pushing a branch out of his way. "How cliché would that be. I'd probably shoot myself in the face if it ever came down to that."

I didn't bother putting up an effort to make a conversation after that. It was no use trying to talk to this Harry, the one that's completely closed off from the world. If he tried being genuine for once in his life, he may realize it's not that bad. I'm not going to say I'm the nicest person there is, but at least I can act polite towards others. Even if I don't like them. It's called manners, something Harry clearly doesn't have.

After about an hour or so of walking through these endless woods, my feet were killing me. I huffed, plopping down onto a bulky rock and slipping my shoes off to rub my sore feet. Harry noticed I wasn't following, groaning as he turned to face me and gave me a look. I just brushed him off, acting as if I didn't see his death stare.

"How much longer?" I pouted.

"If you keep stopping like a whiny toddler, we won't get there at all," he snapped.

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