Chapter 9

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chapter 9 - Harry

Running my fingers through his silky brown hair, I gingerly swiped my fingers through the roots as I tried not to disturb him. I was well aware that this would be the closest I would ever get, but I couldn't stop the temptation of touching him in some sort of way. Maybe dirty, maybe not. I just had to express my feelings, even in such a simple way, I feel as if a weight has been lifted from my chest.

My eyes wavered over his beautiful face, not a blemish in sight as his gorgeous blue eyes remained close, soft snores leaving his slightly parted red lips. I felt like such a creeper for watching him in such a peaceful state, but fuck; he was stunning. I couldn't deny that God had gifted him with incredible looks.

The morning sun seeped in through the blinds, causing Louis to stir just the slightest before relaxing once more. My fingers continued to gently weave through his luscious brown hair, pushing a stray lock of his forehead. Before I could stop myself, I trailed my finger down the side of his face, the minimal burning sensation sending shivers through my body. I didn't press my finger to his skin, knowing it'd burn the shit out of me, but my finger drifted lightly all the way down to his plush lips.

God, I want to kiss him so bad.

My eyes flickered down to the bracelet fastened around his wrist, the binding protecting him from the outside demons. He didn't need the bracelet; I can keep him safe. Never in a million damn years would I let anything happen to this angel. It would only take one snap and...

I shook my head, riding the ludicrous thoughts. There's no way I'll let Louis take the bracelet off. Although the temptation to kiss him, to hold him is strong; the temptation to keep him safe is stronger. Louis doesn't know it, but once that bracelet is off, there's no putting it back on. The spell would snap, the shield surrounding his figure will fade, and he'll be exposed to every danger in the world. Even though I have a strong desire to be closer to him, his safety means more to me.

What if I'm not there and he needs me? What if someone gets to him before I can stop them? What if John tries something? What if Jessie tries something? My heart clenched at the mere thought of someone else being with him and not me. There's too many horrific things that could happen if Louis were to take off that damn bracelet. I hate it and adore it all the same.

Completely out of it from his soft skin under the pads of my fingers, I traced his bottom lip ever so slightly with my thumb. I attempted to cup his cheek, but the burning fire struck through me, causing me to retract my hand. I let out a soft sigh as I stared at my stinging hand, fury building inside of me at the simple thought of never being able to hold Louis like I want to. To kiss him like I want to.

Right when I went to play with his hair again, his stunning orbs peeled open to meet mine. As if thinking he'd get mad at me, I quickly clutched my hand to my chest, my eyes locking with his' as he gave me a small morning smile.

Fuck, he's so adorable.

The longer I stare at him, the more the feelings twist in the pit of my stomach. I really hate that fucking feeling he gives me, making me feel so vulnerable around him. He knows he has me wrapped around his finger and that petrifies the hell out of me. Never in my life have I ever felt so attracted to someone.

Louis' smile turned into a smirk as he caught my staring. "You're a creeper in the morning, Styles."

I rolled my eyes, fighting back the urge to grin as I flopped onto my back. "I wasn't creeping, Louis. I was thinking of ways to abandon you in the woods and leave you as wolf chow."

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