chapter 11- not so good

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A/N me no own naru @( ̄- ̄)@

Sasuke pov.

Class started a while back and everything went okay. Sakura still looked like she'll scream any moment but over all it was okay. Naruto sat next to me which in my opinion is amazing!

Speaking of Naruto he looks deep in thought. "Hey Naruto?"
He blinks rapidly and looks at me
"I love you..."
It was my turn to rapidly blink.
"Wha?" I gave him a questioning look.

Instantly he blushed and waved his hands around."no nothing nothing!"

"Uzamaki! If you would please quiet down!" Iruka sensei snapped.
Naruto nodded and started to pay attention, leaving me to my own thoughts.

Naruto... Loves me? (σˋ▽ˊ)σ yesss!!
Should I confess and ask him out on a date? Or was he imagining someone els? Must of been. Well if that's the case I don't care he will be mine as creepy as it sounds.
I'll tell him when we get out.

Class ended and I grabbed Naruto hand. I dashed off to the front of school and panted trying to catch my breath. "Naruto... I need to tell you something..." I said trying to calm myself mentally.

"Sure." He answered. I looked at him with adoration and started.
"Naruto I-I lo-"

"SASU~ "
And so much more.

I looked at Naruto who held his ears and pulled his chin up. I blushed madly and so did he.

"Naruto I love you!" I blurted out and smashed our lips together.

His eyes widened greatly but then kissed back while tightly closings his eyes. We separated after a while.

"I-I love y-you t-to!" He stuttered.

I smiled and looked at the fangirls with dangling mouths.

"I ship it..." One girl whispered. Others nodded. The same girl held her arms opened and slowly walked towards us in a zombie manner. "Do it again, do it again, do it again," she repidably whispered.

We stepped back Naruto looking a little frightened. "Please I'll leave you alone." We nodded and did a quick peck.

She then fainted and others dragged her away. I took Naruto hand and whispered "we should go home..." Naruto mutley nodded and followed me home.

We walked inside after walking the far distance. I stretched and layer down with Naruto next to me.

"Ho, ho, ho, what do we have here?"

Naruto and I freeze. "Who was that?" Naruto asks fearfully. I shrug and look around. I held Naruto close the voice not appearing anymore. I grab Naruto hand and lay down. We hit each other close. I was about to speak when I heard the same dreading voice.

"So your together now? Since your getting to know me here is a little beautiful fact I like to share."

We sit up instantly and look around anxiously waiting to what the mysterious voice will say.

"I hate you both. I hate looking at you. I hate the way you hide him from me sa-su-ke because..."

"Because?" I inquired.

"Because I need his dear power. Now  M o V e !!"

Suddenly a giant dark cloud pushes me away making me hit the wall. I stand up and make my way to Naruto.
"No you can't him!"
"Nice joke! But I don't like humor."

I run to Naruto and try to fend off the, the, the thing. Idk what it is!

Succeeding in pushing the dark cloud back I make my way to Naruto who looks to be in shock and take him some place els.


He grabs my arms and tears up. "Are you okay." He nods then hugs me. I hug back and held him close.

I tilt his head up and give him a small peck. He smiles which btw effects me greatly. I smiled back and give him a few playfully kisses. He laughs and returns the favor.

"We should go to the park." Naruto suggests. I shrug "sure why not?"

"Wait what park."

"That's for you to fund out sasu."

I grunted in response. Wait wut?

"It's your nickname." Naruto blushed.

"Oh, ok. Naru-baka."


"What it's an accurate nickname for you."

"Fine sasu-teme!"


After a while we made it to a clearing and two broken swings. Over all the senary was beautiful. It was in a forest. There were flowers scattered everywhere and a couple of swings. There were also tunnels, monkey bars and slides. They all looked fine besides the two swings.

I held Naruto hand and darted to the two unbroken swings. I got on a swing and so did he. A comfortable silence soon after.

Some time passed with the squeaking swings when Naruto suggested to get on the slides with him. 'Whatever' was my response.

The slide was fun and we even got in the tunnel. Running around and basically doing nothing.

Night time came and we didn't know what to do.

"We can't head back." I softly whispered to naru-baka. Yes I'm using that nickname for him forever. He nods.

"Yeah. We should tell the jiji."

"Do you mean the hokage?"

"Yeah but I call him 'jiji'." Naruto says sheepishly.

I nod and we make our way to the hokage tower hoping that the hokage can understand our situation.

ψ(`∇´)ψ-short and done!(for today)

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