{Tsukishima Kei}

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Title: Misunderstandings

Anime: Haikyuu!!

A/N: I don't know what I just wrote so yeah


At first, you were only bothered by the fact that he didn't invite you to walk home with him. Tsukishima always invited you to walk home with him. Then that day he had been taking every precaution in order to not run into you. Even when you locked eyes, all he did was scoff and turn the other way. You weren't just offended, you were afraid as to why he was acting that way.

You weaved through your fellow classmates as the last bell of the day rang. Trying to find the tall dinosaur, you quickly made your way out of the building and looked around every which way.

"Dang it where did he go?!" You cursed. You then seen a far away boy with short blonde hair and head phones walking in the direction of Tsukishima's house. You smirked and said,

"Gotcha." You sprinted until he turned around to look at you, probably because of your loud clomps down the sidewalk. He said while continuing to walk,

"What do you want?" You scoffed and grabbed his hand, stopping him. You asked,

"Why are you avoiding me Kei?" You looked up at him with confused eyes. Tsukishima ripped his arm out of your grasp and said quite harshly,

"Don't call me Kei anymore (L/N). You know what? Just..don't ever talk to me again. I don't even want to see your face." He then turned with a sour expression on his face and left, leaving you standing there with an aching heart and a confused mind. You couldn't even recall doing anything to make him feel that way. He was such a mood-swinger you couldn't tell if he was even being serious or not.

"Why...WHY!?!" You screamed as tears threatened to spill down your cheeks. Tsukishima didn't turn back and that made you fall into a deep, dark pit of despair.

(Time Skip)

It had been one week. Seven long, painful days at home by yourself as you sulked and cried over Tsukishima. He was suppose to be your best friend right? Well why did he say all those mean things then? You constantly asked yourself these things as you sat in the corner of your pitch black room.

You were devastated, completely devastated by his words. You were even going to confess your love for him that day, but he just had to spoil it. It was cruel and your heart slowly felt the sadness turn into anger.

You harshly stood up and turned your lights on.

"I'm going to school." You checked the time and seen it was 11 o'clock in the morning.

"I don't care, I'm going now." You got ready and went, not caring about Tsukishima's words anymore.

(At School brought to you by Eisuke Ichinomiya for President 2k16)

You gripped the handle to your classroom door. You had so much motivation and energy before you got there, but where did it all go? You were scared, scared of facing him, but more so you wanted it to just be a bad dream. You wanted him to be sitting there, waiting for you like he used to. Of course, everyone wants things they simply cannot have.

You slid the door open with a bang. Everyone's attention shifted to you, including Tsukishima who's eyes widened at your unhealthy state. You said to the teacher quietly,

"Sumimasen Sensei..I've been sick." The teacher just shooed you to your seat, which was beside Tsukishima. You walked over and sat down with a complete poker face. (WERL WERL TAIGA KEEPIN UP THE USUAL POKA FASE)

You could sense his eyes on you, but it didn't sway you. You noticed how his presence didn't intimidate you as much as you thought it would when you went back. You smirked slightly and paid attention to class, not caring about Tsukishima one little bit.

Soon enough the bell rang indicating the end of the period. You stood up and was about to leave, when a hand caught your wrist. You didn't have to turn around to see who it was.

"What is it Tsukishima?" You said with venom as you harshly ripped your arm out of his grasp like he done to you once before. He stared down at you silently before getting closer to you. Your heart started beating but you didn't let that waver your hardened expression as he got right up in your face.

"I thought you never wanted to see me again?" You asked as you gave him a glare of pure hatred and betrayal. Tsukishima said,

"Wipe that mean look of your stupid face. You look prettier when you're smiling anyway." Your eyes widened for a second before returning to their harsh gaze.

"What do you want from me Tsukishima?!" You raised your voice but didn't notice the tears already running down your face. Tsukishima's heart dropped at the sight of you like that, but he would take that to the grave before he told you. You screamed at him,

"You!! You tell me that you never want to see me again, make me feel like I did something wrong, then come back to tell me I'm pretty?! What's wrong with you?!" Tsukishima said,

"You're what's wrong with me." You scoffed and replied,

"Are you kidding me?! After all we've been through you just keep on sa-" You were cut off before you could continue by a pair of moist lips pressing themselves against your own. Your eyes flew open in shock as you felt Tsukishima's hand travel around your waist. He pulled away and said,

"Sometimes I say things I don't mean. Especially when I'm confused with my feelings. I guess I said the exact opposite of what I really wanted to say that day." You pushed him away from you and said hesitantly,

"Then you..you like me?" He turned his head in confusion and asked,

"Do I?" He then kissed you once again, but this time, the kiss was filled with love and compassion. You clutched onto his school blazer and kissed back as you felt his lips move against yours. You broke away and smiled while wipping the tears away.

"I'm so glad..I really thought I was going to kill you Kei..I love you too.." He smiled slightly and patted your head.

"Stop crying, you look so ugly when you cry." You growled and yelled,

"That's the first thing you say to your girlfriend when she's crying!?" He chuckled and said,

"You're right (Y/N)." He then brought you in for a quick hug and whispered,

"I'm sorry you look ugly when yo-" You cut him off by kicking him in the shin.

"I dare you to finish that sentence." He silently chuckled before running a hand through his hair. He then held it out for you to take. You giggled happily and took it, satisfied that at the end of the day, it was all a misunderstanding.

A/N: aha that KnB reference gets me every time..surprise update because I'm procrastinating so yeah surprise

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