:*:.:*:.Chapter 12: The Triwizard Tournament.:*:.:*:

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Hey!!! So I'm thinking of making a posting schedule instead of posting randomly. Would Tuesdays and Thursdays be okay for you guys? 

I took my seat at the Gryffindor table with considerable pride, thinking about how I should have been with the fourth years this year. But since I was a sixth year, I seemed to have "aged." People seemed more willing to talk to me, which I was glad about. 

But at the same time, I missed the sense of security that being an unnoticed third year had given me last year. And it was mental, really, that I'd seemingly aged two years overnight. 

I took my seat next to Alice Longbottom, my best chum from last year. "'Lo, Alice." 

She didn't respond. 

I tried again. "Alice? Hello?" 

Marietta Finnigan took a seat across from me. "Lily, why didn't you tell us? Why did you do it?"

"What?" A cold feeling stole into me. What was going on?

"You know what we mean," Anna Finnigan said, looking at me dissaprovingly. "Why on EARTH would you be so mental as to actually want to be a sixth year and leave us?" 

"I, that's not what I... I thought I..." 

"No," Marietta said flatly, "you didn't tell us. We just found out from Lorc." 

"Lorcan?" Suddenly I perked up. I'd always had a liking for him, but he was in Rose and Albus's year, and we'd never really spoken.

"Lily," Mari said, "stop thinking about Lorcan and tell us why moving up two years was something you didn't see fit to tell your best mates." 

"I didn't even remember!" I said, annoyed. 

"That's horrible, Lily!" Alice burst out, finally speaking. "You didn't remember to tell us that you won't be hanging with our crowd this year?" 

"What? Of course I will! I'm still rooming with you-" 

"No," Alice said flatly, "because years room together. Didn't you know that?"

I felt awful. Did this mean that I wasn't going to be able to knock about with my friends this year? Were they really going to freeze me out?

"Lily," Mari said, "we still like you, of course-"

"But you're in a different world, practically," Anna finished. "We're sorry, but we don't think you played us right and we don't think that we should really... talk anymore." 

"I can't believe this! I thought you were my friends." 

"We did, too," Mari said. Alice nodded. 

"You mean... I won't have anyone to hang out with?" I asked quietly.

"Hang out with Lorcan," Alice said bitterly. "If it makes you happy, he told us you were switching years when he was asking us where you were. Very into you, he sounded. You'll probably care about that more than us." 

I started to cry. "How can you say that?" 

"Just go," Alice told me. 

"Fine!" I said, and got up from my spot, going to find Rose. She was over near the doors, having just walked in. She was laughing and talking with Al and Scorpius, but when she saw me, she could tell instantly that something was wrong. 

"What happened?" she asked, steering me gently away from the boys and shielding me from their view. 

"Ally and Mari and Anna just ditched me," I sobbed. 

She hugged me. "Why?" 

I told her what they'd said, crying harder.

"That- that's horrible," she said, her eyes glinting. "But you know, Lils, you should have told them what was happening. It was probably quite a shock for them to come expecting you to be a fourth year like they are and find instead that you're a sixth year, and one year from graduation; I mean, that's fantastic, but I expect they wish you'd stayed with them." 

"I won't have anyone to be with this year," I sobbed. 

She laughed. "Hang with me and Al." 

And then Dad's voice came booming across the hall. "Students! I have an announcement to make."   

I Love You, Lily (A Scorily Fanfiction) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now