"And finally this is Daryl. He doesn't talk much...well he doesn't talk at all," he looked up at me for a few seconds before looking back down at his phone.

"I'm going go to the office and grab my timetable and stuff, so I'll see you guys later," I said.

Trey gave me a peck on the lips then whispered in my ear, "remember what I said."

I nodded before he let me go. I walked into the office and towards the woman who was tapping away on the keyboard.

"Hi, I'm Tamara, new student, do you have my timetable?" I asked her. She handed me some papers and went back to typing on her computer. I walked into the school building, people staring at me as I walked past.

I looked at my timetable. First I had maths and this stupid map didn't even make sense to me.

"Need some help?" Asked someone startling me. I turned to the side and saw a guy smirking down at me. He was quite good looking. Tall with jet black hair and mysterious grey eyes.

"Erm...yeah if you don't mind. Could you take me to maths?" I asked.

"Which classroom?" He asked.

"Classroom 14," I replied. He nodded and we walked down the corridor.

"So, you're Trey's girl?" He asked.

"Um yeah, how do you know?" I asked.

"Well that performance outside in the car park suggested it..." He trailed off. I realised he was talking about our very intense makeout session and my cheeks flushed a bright red.

"I'm Blaine, you are?" He asked holding out hand.

"I'm Tamara," I replied shaking it.

"Nice to meet you Tamara, here's your class, I'll see you later," he said walking away. I walked into the class where everyone was chatting noisily.

"Woah, hey there sexy!" Whistled a guy at me.

"Dude, shut up, she's Trey's girlfriend," hissed a boy. I ignored the comments and sat down at a desk.

"Hey," said Parker taking a seat next to me.

"Hi," I replied.

"Right class shut up," said a teacher.

"Mr Rivers, this is not your living room, take your feet off the table," he ordered to Parker. He rolled his eyes but took them off nevertheless.

The lesson went by with Parker taking the mick out of the teacher and annoying him to hell. I did feel slightly sorry for the teacher but Parker was hilarious.

Next lesson was english and in that class was Daryl. English was quiet unlike maths. The teacher did nothing but glare at us. She was quite scary I had to admit.

Soon enough, the morning had passed and it was lunch time. I managed to find my way to the cafeteria and grabbed some lunch.

"Over here!" Yelled Dan. I walked over to them. Parker got up and offered the seat which was next to Trey. I smiled at Parker and sat down feeling slightly intimidated under Trey's cold and calculating gaze.

I ate, listening to the guys' conversation.

"Oh shit!" Muttered Parker, "Hide me!" He said as he tried to hide behind Dan.

"Parker!" Screamed a girl as she stormed towards us.

"Oh...hey Sally," he said scratching the back of his neck.

"It's Sophie you moron! Where were you yesterday?!" She yelled.

"Ohh, yesterday...I forgot," he mumbled. Suddenly she slapped him. The guys began to laugh and howl in laughter whilst I just stared in shock.

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