Chapter 14

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A/N: I have updated this chaoter like four times already in the past month but clearly you guys haven't been able to read it. So I updated it again and still people are asking why I haven't updated. Let's hope it works this time round and please guys check your message boards!

Chapter 14

"Hello class!" Said my SRE teacher. Basically that stood for sexual and relationships education. This was my first SRE lesson and I had not been looking forward to it unlike most of the boys here. I sat between Emily and Daryl whilst Dan, Parker and Trey sat opposite us.

"Are we gonna watch a video miss?" Called out Parker, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Moron," muttered Emily as she shot him a look.

"Oh yes Parker, thanks for reminding me," she said as she began to search the drawers. Me, Emily and the boys were sat on one table. Like the rest of the boys, Parker was looking very happy unlike Trey who sat back in his chair, sleeping.

I stared at his handsome features, watching how his hair flopped over his right eye. He looked like an innocent little boy and all I wanted to do was go over to him, pinch them soft cheeks and-

"Tamara?" Called out Emily waving her hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I asked. She raised an eyebrow as she looked at me then Trey.

"No sorry, continue staring at your sleeping boyfriend," she said. My cheeks flushed pink.

"I-I wasn't staring at him," I stuttered.

"Right. Whatever," she replied.

"Quiet!" Screamed Mrs Hall making us jump. I let out a giggle as Trey jumped, his eyes wide open. Poor guy looked as if he had just seen a ghost. He noticed my smirk and glared at me.

"Movie time!" Said Parker excitedly. Emily let out a sigh and rolled her eyes at him.The video started and the lights went off.

"Damn, what the hell is this?!" Asked Trey.

"Dude what the..."

"Argh!" Screamed a woman. I opened an eye to see a woman with her legs wide spread open and a head in between her legs.

It was horror. There was screaming, crying, blood and aliens. No I swear the baby looked like an alien.

"That was the worst thing i've ever watched," said Trey after the lights came back on. I shuddered as I recalled the awful scenes in my head.

"Parker?" Asked Dan. Parker sat there, frozen.

"I think I'm going to be sick," he said as he got up and ran out of the room.

"Why the hell would we need to watch a woman giving birth?" Asked Trey.

"It's nature my dears. All of the girls here will go through it and for all the boys here, well you'll be there to support your partner," she said. Yeah I don't think I will be looking forward to having kids anytime soon.

"Yeah that's not happening," said Trey. Imagine Trey being a dad. Now that would be a funny sight. Trey raised an eyebrow at my smirk then looked away after giving me a suspicious look.

"The baby was cute though," said Dan. We stared at him in shock and confusion.

"What?" He questioned looking at us as if he didn't even know.

"You okay?" I asked Parker ask be walked in. He gave me a weak smile and nodded.

"I'll be fine," he replied.

"Okay class, you are going to learn how to take care of a child, how to meet it's needs and how to be a responsible parent," she said. She got a couple of boxes out of the cupboard and put them down.

"I am going to hand each pair one of these so you can take care of them," I stared in confusion as she pulled out a doll out of the box.

"We have to take care a doll?" Asked someone from the other sode of the class.

"It's not just any doll. This is a baby stimulater. It will cry if it needs to be fed, needs it's diaper changing and when it needs to be burped. I will give you all a manual on how to care for it but remember that you have to figure out what it wants each time it cries," she finished.

"This is so stupid," muttered Trey.

"This is going to be exciting!" Said Dan happily.

"I have put you into pairs and due to there being more boys than girls, I've had to put boys into a pair.

She went down the list, reading out the names.

"Kyle and Charlotte, Luke and Jennifer..." She continued reading out names and I let out a groan as she said my name with the one person I did not want to be paired up with. "And finally, Trey and Tamara."

Well this was just great.

A/N: I have updated this chapter so many times but there's been a problem with the wattpad app which is probably why you guys couldn't read it. PLEASE CHECK YOUR MESSAGE BOARDS. It annoys me when I send you guys messages but no one checks. But a couple of weeks ago I somehow have managed to get over it. I managed to make it to romance #386 a couple of weeks ago and it's you guys I have to thank. Thank you to everyone who reads my work and votes and comments, and even to the silent readers. I love you guys and please do continue to support me like you have. Apologies once again, I don't know the next time I will update but the wait won't be half as long as you've waited for this update, promise!

As usual please do vote, comment and fan!

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