Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"This looks perfect, don't you think?" Asked rosette smiling adoringly at me.

"She looks like a princess," gushed my mother. I stood, sulking whilst everyone awed over my wedding dress. It was a long white wedding dress with a sweetheart neckline. It was beautiful but I just couldn't convince myself to be happy about it.

"Can we buy a dress and go already?" I asked. I ignored my mom's glare as I folded my arms across my chest.

"We've only been here for an hour and a half," said mom.

"Three hours actually," I mumbled under my breath.

"We'll take this dress," said Rosette. I let out a sigh of relief as I walked towards the dressing room and got changed.


"Done your wedding shopping?" Asked Rachel as her and Carla walked into my room, looking seriously annoyed.

"Guys...I'm sorry, I-"

"Sorry? We are supposed to be best friends! We've never kept a secret from each other!" Yelled Carla.

"I was going to tell you but a lot has been on my mind," I said as I flopped down onto my bed.

"And what about Tony?" Asked Rachael. My eyes widened and I sat up.

"Crap," I muttered as I grabbed my phone.


"Can you meet me down at the park in ten minutes? It's important," I said.

"Yeah, sure."

"I'll tell you guys everything after I come back, okay?" I asked grabbing my coat and ran down the stairs.

"You're not going anywhere. Not after you tried to run away the other night," said my mom blocking the doorway.

"Mom please, I told you I wasn't going to run away now. I won't, I promise but I have to do something. After this I won't step out of the house," I said. She nodded and stepped out of the way.

"You have half an hour, then I want you home," she said as I rushed out.

"Okay!" I yelled before slamming the door. As fast as I could, I ran to the park. Tony was there waiting for me. I took a deep breath and walked towards him.

"Hey babe," he said as he reached forwards to kiss me. I took a step back causing him to look at me in confusion.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I can't do this anymore," I said pushing away his hands that were holding my arms.

"Look, I've been thinking about us and well...I'm getting bored of our relationship. I mean, look at me then look at you. I'm sorry Tony but you just don't match up to my standards," I said as best as I could.

"What? You've never said anything before, what's happened now?" He asked with a broken voice. It pained me to see him like this but I had to. I undid the locket that was around my neck and handed it to him. He looked completely shocked at first but then replaced his expression with a scowl.

"I didn't know you were such a bitch until today. I fucking hate you!" He yelled as he threw the locket that had mine and Tony's initials on them. He barged past me, shoving into my shoulder as he stormed away. I let the tears fall as his words pierced my heart. A old woman sitting on the bench was staring at me in shock.

"What?"I asked. She stopped staring at me and went back to throwing bread in the pond for the ducks. I walked back home and up to my room where both of my best friends were sat.

"Oh my god, what happened?"asked Rachael, pulling me into a hug.

"M-my parents a-are forcing m-me t-to get m-married," I said, sobbing.

"What?" Said Carla in disbelief.

"How can they do this?! Have they lost it?!" Yelled Rachael.

"I-I've broken up w-with T-tony and n-now he hates me," I cried.

"But marriage? Why?" Asked Carla. I pulled away from Rachael and took the tissue Carla was holding out to me.

"Dad wants to become business partners with the Evans. And they can only do that if their son marries me," I explained.

"Evans? The Evans? You're marrying Trey Evans?" Asked Carla. I nodded and her eyes widened.

"Oh my god! He is like so hot!" She squealed. Rachael face palmed herself and I rolled my eyes at Carla.

"Considered running away?" Asked Rachael.

"I tried but I was caught," I said.

"Convince your parents?" She suggested.

"They won't listen," I replied.

"Convince Trey?" She asked.

"He doesn't want to get married himself. But his parents are forcing him as well," I said. She tutted and let out a sigh.

"I'm wishing I was you right now, he's so dreamy," said Carla putting her chin in her hands.

"Shut up," scolded Rachael. She got up and started walking around.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Thinking," she answered. After five minutes she yelled,

"Idea!" Making me jump.

"What?" I asked eagerly.

"You get married to him...and give him divorce after you're married," she replied.

"But..." I trailed off.

"I guess it's the only option left, right?" She asked

I knew it was the only option left.


"I can't believe this," I said as I read the wedding card, "I am getting married next week?! Are you having a laugh?" I asked.

"We are not going to argue over this," said my father. Of course we weren't, I didn't get a say in anything.

Mom was going through the list of things that had to be done for the wedding and she was getting pretty stressed over it.

"Flowers, yes I'd like to order some roses for next week...what do you mean you can't?!" She asked. I rolled my eyes at her and let out a sigh.

I was sat on the sofa watching tv when someone got in my way. I leaned left so I could get a view of the tv but they moved as well. I glared up at my brother, Connor who was giving me a sheepish smile.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked.

As soon as he asked that I said, "no."

"Aww come on tammy," he said as he flopped down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. I just stared at the tv, burning holes through it.

"They blackmailed me into bringing you back," he said whispering into my ear.

"What?" I asked turning to look at him.

"They said that they were going to get you married no matter what. They're determined to get you married to Trey. Despite the amount of times I tried to convince them," he told me.

"It's fine," I said shrugging.

I honestly wish there was something I could do," he said. I would have told him about my plan to divorce Trey after the wedding but thought against it.


I know this chapter might not be up to a high standard but I've been having writers block. Anyways, I've introduced new characters to this and they shall be making reappearances further into the story. As usual, please vote comment and follow!

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