Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The weeks of the summer holiday soon went past. Trey hadn't talked to me not once after what happened at the club. I tried to talk to him but he would just ignore me. He wouldn't sleep on the same bed as me anymore but bought a sofa to sleep on. Rosette and David remained completely oblivious to what was happening between us and I didn't want to let them know of anything.

It was the first day of school and boy was I glad. Staying at home all the time with no company got pretty boring. The Evans were very busy people, David and Rosette were always out on business trips. And Trey, well he was out of the house most of the time. Connor came to visit me frequently but mom and dad ony came a couple of times. Rachel and Clara were gone on holiday straight after my wedding and weren't coming back just a few days before school.

I was now deciding what to wear. I stuck to a pair of skinny jeans, a top, a leather jacket and ankle high boots with no heels. As I was heading out towards my car, Trey blocked my path.

"You're coming with me," he said and walked towards his bike. I got on the bike and wore the helmet he had given me. I was hesitating whether or not to hold him but he grabbed my arms and put them around his waist. I couldn't help but notice how good Trey was looking. He was wearing a tight fitted V top which revealed quite a bit of his chest, a matching black leather jacket with black jeans and sneakers. Unintentionally, we were colour coordinating.

The journey to school was rather quiet, excluding the sound of the roaring engine of the bike of course. There were already people scattered about the school yard.

"People don't know we're married, let's keep it that way. If anyone asks, you're my girlfriend," he said and got off, leaving no room for argument. I handed him the helmet and suddenly he pulled me to him and smashed my lips against his causing tingles to erupt through my body.

I didn't kiss him back at first, slightly in shock then realised he was probably putting on a show for people. So I decided to play along, ignoring the fact it hurt that he was just kissing me to show people.

Our lips moved against each others and soon our tongues were exploring each other's mouths. I grabbed a fistful of his soft brown hair whilst his hand went down my lower back.

We pulled away for a breath and saw a group of guys heading towards us, wolf whistling and jeering. People were staring at us in shock and surprise.

"Yo man, who's the chick?" Asked a blonde guy.

"My girlfriend," said Trey as he snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. I winced at how tightly he was holding my waist but didn't show it on my face.

"Well hello there, I'm Parker. The handsome one," he said taking my hand and placing a light kiss on it.

"Is that why girls want me more than you?" Asked Trey with raised eyebrows.

"Shut up man!" Said Parker, his ego slightly hurt.

"Well if it helps, I think you're better looking than Trey," I said to him.

"See! And you picked a good one Trey, brains and looks," he said. A big guy with tattoos came trodding towards me and I gulped, feeling slightly intimidated.

"Hi! I am Dan! It's very nice to meet you!" He said with excitement as he slightly violently shook my hand, surprising me slightly.

"Dude, calm down," said Trey rolling his eyes. He let go of my hand and gave me a sheepish look, mumbling sorry.

"This is Jason and Drake," said Trey. I recognised them from the day I ran away from home. Jason winked and Drake gave me a curt nod. I'm sure these two knew about our marriage because I remember Trey mentioning it to them.

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