Chapter 6

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IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END. PLEASE READ. An early update for you guys! Hope you enjoy!

I let out a groan as I felt something breathing on my neck. My whole body was being crushed onto the bed by the heavy weight that was on top of me. I turned around and look up at Trey who had his head on my chest.

"Wake up!" I yelled in his ear causing him to jump.

"Whoa!" He yelled in shock as he fell off the bed with a thump. He had a confused look on his face making him look so adorable.

"Morning," I said stretching. He glared at me and laid back down into bed. I rolled my eyes and got up. Someone had put my suitcases in the room so I walked over and began to unpack.

"Hey kids," said Rosette as she walked in with a bright smile on her face.

"Did you sleep well last night?" She asked me.

"Oh I think she slept very well," he said winking at me. Rosette noticed the gesture and began giggle. I glared at Trey who just smirked his annoying smirk back at me.

"Well come down and have some breakfast," said Rosette walking out still chuckling to herself. I narrowed my eyes at Trey who was tapping away on his phone and grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom to get changed. When I had entered the room, Trey was dressed and sorting his hair out in the mirror.

"I know I'm hot but you don't need to stare at me,"said Trey, a couple of moments later.

"I wasn't staring at you," I snapped. Maybe I was staring at him but I wasn't going to admit it.

"Right," he said with a small smirk on his face as he continued admiring himself in the mirror. Stupid bigheaded jerk. I grabbed my brush and stood next to Trey, brushing my long tresses.

"Stop taking up all the space," said Trey as he nudged me slightly.

"Me? I'm not taking up the space you are," I said nudging him back a little harder. He shoved me and I punched his arm causing him to yelp.

"Ouch, no need to get violent," he said rubbing his arm.

"Says you, you're the one who pushed me in the first place!" I protested.

"Oh please, I barely touched you," he said rolling his eyes. I put the brush down on the dressing table with a little more force than necessary.

"I don't have time to argue with you, I'm gonna go and have some breakfast," I said as I stormed out. I walked downstairs but realised I didn't know where the dining room was.

"That way," said Trey as he walked down the stairs. He nodded towards the door that went outside.

"Outside?" I asked in confusion as he stepped in front of me.

"Yeah, we eat in the garden for breakfast," he replied. We walked outside where Rosette and David were sat having breakfast. The sun was out making the garden look more beautiful. I could see why they would want to have breakfast out here.

"Ah, here they are," said Rostte smiling at us warmly. We sat down on the seven seated table which made me wonder who the three empty seats were for.

"How are you liking it here Tamara?" asked David.

"Its great," I said with a fake smile. I hated it here and would do anything to go back home. Which reminded me that I had to ask Trey about the divorce.

"Trey treating you properly I assume?" He asked.

"Yes, he's such a wonderful husband," I said with sarcasm dripping from my tongue as I placed a hand on Trey's arm. He gave me a fake smile however David and Rosette didnt even seem to have noticed that we were just acting.

Trey and his father talked about business and I just nodded at Rosette in agreement once in a while, not listening to what she was saying. Breakfast was finished and Trey and David went off for important meeting they had. I sat in my room trying to find something to watch on TV for an hour and finally gave up. I decided to have a walk outside and see what the area was like.

"Rosette, is it okay if I went for a walk?" I asked.

"Yes that's fine, just take your phone in case you get lost," she said and went back to reading her book. I got ready, wearing a purple off shoulder top, with some white denim shorts and flats. It was a nice warm day and the sun was out. It took quite a while to get to a place where there were people. It seemed like the Evans had chosen to build their home in a quiet and lone area. I walked into a cafe noticing that there weren't many people.

"Hi, can I have one black coffee please?" I asked the girl at the counter. She had short brunette hair which was tied up into a cute ponytail and warm hazel green eyes. I looked at her badge which read Emily.

"Sure," she said. I sat down at one of the coffee tables and waited a couple of moments before a hot piping coffee was in front of me.

"You new? Never seen you around here before," She asked as she sat down opposite me.

"Yeah, I am," I replied, not wanting to expose the fact that I was married to the hottest bachelor, Trey Evans.

"So, how are you liking it here?" She asked.

"It's good, it's a nice place," I commented. Me and Emily continued to talk for a while as Emily was on her lunch break. I discovered that she was the same age as me and was going to be attending the same college as well.

"I should be going," I said as I got up from the chair.

"Nice meeting you Tamara, pop round again!" She said as she waved me goodbye. I walked back to the Evans' mansion and saw that Trey's car was there meaning that he was home.

"Where have you been?" Asked Trey as soon as I stepped in.

"Out," I replied walking past him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the same position.

"Where. Have. You. Been.?" He asked. His eyes had a spark of fury in them, making me gulp slightly in fear.

"I went for a walk, what's it to you?" I asked as I attempted to release his strong grip on my wrist. "Don't go out without anyone, understand?" He asked. I stared at him in shock.

"Excuse me! I can do what I want! I don't need your permission!" I exasperated, glaring at him. I managed to release his grip on me and stomped upstairs. Was he bipolar? One second he's all flirty and the other he looks like he could kill someone. I let out a sigh as I flopped down onto the bed.

IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE - In case some of you guys aren't aware, I have exams in late May and June so there won't be frequent updates. I do apologise but I'm sure you guys will understand. It is my last year of school and these grades I get will matter a lot. I promise to update straight away after my exams probably around 26th June. Don't expect earlier updates as I will be extremely busy. Thank you to all those understanding fans, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote comment and fan!

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