Hold your breath

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10:16 A.M

Fuck! I'm late!

I whispered to myself. Trying not to wake up the stranger laying next to me. I turn my back to face him only to find no one there.

A classy way of leaving from a one night stand.

I know Tiff is really going to kill me for this. I hurriedly prep up and grab my stuff and went to Tiff's flat. Only to be welcomed by


From Tiff's room. I waited until the sound finished which appears that they have both reached their climax. I knocked on the door thrice and opened it with no hesitation only to find an old man zipping his pants and Tiff putting her bra on. She gave me an eye.

"You're late." She said with seriousness in her voice. She then handed over money to the old man.

"Get lost Brandon. We're done here." She added while telling the old man, Brandon, who seems to be in his mid 50's away. She faced me after Brandon left.

"You really have a thing for old guys dont you? You actually pay for those??" I jokingly asked.

"So? Shoot. I heard you went out last night after fucking that guy who bought the exact beer which used to be HIS favorite?" She accusingly said. While changing the topic.

I've known Tiff for quite some time. She has this fascination with having sex with old guys. She's near her 30's but still hasn't settled down. She's the one that introduced me to the stripping business. Tiff doesn't really share much of her personal life with me. She's the head for the strip dancers and usually teaches the moves and welcomed me to the world of stripping. Rumor has it that the reason why she likes sleeping with older guys is that she didn't have any father figure to stand for her through her growing up years.

But really who am I to judge? I never really asked her about it.

"Well..y..yeah. I did."I replied.

She let a long sigh.

"Lane. Stop fucking every guy who order his fav beer or have the same scent as his breath when he smoke his cigar. Cut the crap okay? Business is business. Next time you do this,you're out. You know me Lane." Tiff said with harshness in her voice.

She tends to be really serious when it comes to it. I admire her dedication.

I know love comes in all forms. And it is madness. As for Tiff,it probably is pouring her soul into the stripping world. The world she has ever known.

My thoughts were cut after I heard Seether's version of Careless Whisper while Tiff started dancing into it. I zoned out for a while,whilst watching myself in the mirror.

Remembering how my body and his would move in sync.

Oh how crazy it is to want someone's flesh deep in yours..

Before I know it,my body starts moving to the beat.

Holding my breath..
Feeling every move..

For this is the closest I'll ever be with him again..

* * *

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