[4] 1 Year Passes

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"Hitomi, get up. It's already past lunchtime. I let you sleep in way more than you were supposed to," Gilthunder said, shaking me awake. I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"Why'd you let me sleep in so much?" I asked.

"I'm a good brother, that's why," he smiled, poitning to himself with his thumb. I smiled and ruffled his pink hair.

"Yes, you are, onii-san," I replied, getting out of bed. "It's our day off today. Why do we have to get up?"

"Uncle Hendrickson and Uncle Dreyfus are coming over for dinner, and bringing their wives and or children. We have to dress nicely. Also...," he started.

"What?" I asked.

"You really don't remember?" he asked incredulously. I nodded. "It's your 11th birhtday. You're only two years beind me now."

"I'll always be two years behind you, onii-san," I smiled, searching for clothes to wear.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he sighed. "Don't bother looking for clothes. I bought you a dress, and myself a suit. We have to dress formally. We haven't seen our Uncles since we were babies. Uncle Dreyfus has a son, Griamore. I'm the same age as he is. Uncle Hendrickson has a wife, Merida, but I haven't heard much of her. We'll meet them tonight."

"Okay, okay. Go out so I can get ready," I said. He chuckled and went out of our room. Though it had been a year since he had started training me, Gil and I were still just as close as we had been before.

I put on the dress (refer to picture) and some black combat boots. Then, I braided my long black hair and placed some white lilies in it, (which Veronica had so graciously picked for me from the castle garden). I looked in my mirror and smiled. I looked pretty damn good. I headed downstairs. It was 3:30 p.m. I hadn't realized how much I'd slept in. Dinner was at five, which meant that my uncles would be coming over around 4:30. I only had an hour of free time today before I was forced to sit at a table where I would hide in Gil's shadow and be ignored.

"Gil-kun! I'm here!" yelled a voice from the front door. The person behind the door was knocking relentlessly and impatiently.

"Oh. I totally forgot," Gilthunder mumbled, rushing to the door. "Coming, Howzer! One moment!"

He opened the door, and in came a tall blonde boy, (only a bit shorter than Gil). He looked like a rambunctious, rebellious teenager, so I was surprised when I found out he was training to become a Holy Knight - and that he and my brother were good friends.

"Gil-kun, who's that girl?" he asked, pointing to me.

"Oh. She's my little sister," Gil smiled, looking at me. I smiled back, coming to hide behind him. Not that I was shy, but I just wasn't comfortable around new people, especially boys. Luckily, Gil was so tall and broad, I could hide behind him perfectly, and peek out from behind his shoulder.

"WHAT?!?! YOU HAVE A SISTER?!?!?" Howzer yelled. I flinched. "Sorry. I mean, why didn't you tell me, Gil? How old is she?"

"She turns 11 today," Gil replied. "Please keep your voice down, Howzer. My uncles are coming over in less than an hour, so you're only gonna get to be here until they come. It's a family dinner."

"Okay. That's fine," he smiled and then came closer to look at me. I blushed and hid more behind Gil. "What's your name, darlin'?"

"No flirting with my sis," Gilthunder warned. Howzer laughed.

"Calm down, Gil. It's just a question," he said.

"Hitomi. I'm Hitomi," I replied. I decided to step out from behind my brother.

"Hitomi, hmm? That's a pretty name. I'm Howzer. Nice to meet you," he smiled, reaching out his hand to shake. I took it and shook it.

"Same to you. Onii-san, I'm gonna go back upstairs to our room," I said.

"Okay, Hitomi-chan," Gil replied. "Howzer and I will be training together outside if you need me."


~About an hour later~

"Ahhh, Gilthunder. Where are you, m'boy?" asked a harty voice. Uncle Dreyfus, I thought. He had brought his son and his wife. Griamore was talking with Gilthunder, getting to know him. I stayed at the table, sitting on the left side of my father, while everyone else socialized and waited for dinner. Gil came down and sat on the other side. Howzer had left a few minutes ago. He seemed like a kind boy. I was sure he'd turn into a fine man.

Dinner was served soon, but Uncle Hendrickson was nowhere to be found. It had even started raining. We were about to eat when...

Knock knock knock.

Three curt knocks on the door. I stood up and decided to get the door, since I had nothing better to do. I opened the door and saw two people, a man and a woman, soaking wet. I let them in immediately to find out it was Aunt Merida and Uncle Hendrcikson.

"Oh, is this Hitomi-chan, Hendrickson?" Merida asked. Hendrickson nodded. "Nice to meet you, dear! I'm Aunt Merida, Hendy's wife!"

She wrapped her arms around me in a rather cold embrace, (since she was soaking wet). I returned the hug and then showed them to the dinner table. After that was quite boring. Merida did show some interest in me, though, which I was pleased about. I had gotten a lot stronger after a year of training. I could almost beat Gil at sit-ups! Almost...

~After dinner~

"Gilthunder, Hitomi, time for bed. Adult time, now. Griamore can sleep in your room, too," ordered my father. I got up and ran for the stairs, happy to get away from the table.

Gil passed me up, as did Griamore. By the time I had run up the two flights of stairs, they were already in their bedclothes, in bed. Unfortunately, Griamore had taken to sleeping in my bed and was, in fact, already fast asleep. I sighed and went into the bathroom to change into my night clothes. Only a dim candelabra lit the room.

"You can sleep with me, Hitomi-chan," Gil said, scooting over so that there was room in his bed for me.

"Thanks, onii-san," I yawned, and slid under the covers. He reached over me and blew out the candles.

"Goodnight, Hitomi-chan."

"Godnight, Gil."

Gilthunder's Sister (Seven Deadly Sins fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now