Chapter Nine

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I apologize for the delay in the posting of this chapter. I hit a block and I think I finally have got past it. Since From the Stars was originally a short story, I had no real end in sight here. I didn't know what was going to happen or how this is going to end or who will end up with who. It took a while but I now have a guide to go by. For the people who have waited patiently for this and the ones that messaged me, thank you for waiting this long. Please read and enjoy. If you ever spot typos or anything, please feel free to post it. Also, I am looking for beta readers. I usually use friends but they've been busy as of late. And the only one who is caught up wants to be surprised by everything in the story and won't do it. Anyone interested, please message me.

Thank you again for your patience.



The world cast in darkness. Full of shadows and torrents of water. Lightening flashes ominously. The ground shakes from the thunder's loud response. I'm soaked to the bone in a matter of minutes. The pavement is slick from the rain. I fight to keep my footing as Astra tows us forward. So when Astra suddenly freezes,  I tumble backwards on to the wet pavement.

Scowling, I yell at her. "What the hel--"

I bite back my angry retort when I see the reason for Astra's abrupt stop.

Damn it!

At least ten, heavily armored and armed men surrounded us. A swat team? CIA?  Their assault rifles pointedly aimed in our direction. I scramble up and step away from Astra slowly.

"Place your weapons on the ground and put your hands behind your head slowly."

The agent who spoke stood directly in front of us. He wore a dark suit with matching tie. I couldn't see the eyes through his sunglasses. An agent? He was the only one that didn't have a gun trained on us.

...Why wear sunglasses in the rain?

I raise my hands and put them behind my head. This actually worked out pretty well. Now that they're here, Astra will be apprehended.

Thank God!

I don't have to stress out about meeting Astra's terrorist friends or forming an escape plan. I open my mouth to speak and express my gratitude.

"I won't repeat myself!"

He pulls a handgun out from behind his back.

I did as I was told! He can't be talking to me. I risk a glance to my left.

Of course.

Not only had Astra not dropped her gun. She is pointing it directly at the agent speaking to us.  Her blue eyes flickering to the surrounding agents while maintaining most of her attention at the one in front of us. Astra didn't seem to be panicking. The way she looked at them was more like...she was sizing them up....

The glint in her eyes worries me. Please don't tell me that she's...planning on fighting back?! They might accidentally hit me in their attempt to bring her down.

"Astra", I hiss at her through clenched teeth, "Are you trying to get us shot? Drop the weapons!"

I don't care how sharp my voice is coming out. This bitch is going to get us killed. Disregarding me, her eyes remain locked on the agent before us. She smirks.

Dear God in Heaven, I am going to die.

"I'm giving you until the count of five!"

Well this is shaping up to be a terrible day.


Changing tactics, I plead with her. "Astra, please. Just drop the gun. I really think that they're going to shoot us."


Astra remains unfazed by the countdown to our demise. Appraising everything with calculating eyes. Almost like a predator.


"Please! I have nothing to do with her! I was attacked insi---"


Astra whispers into my ear, "Stay down."

When did she ge--


My legs were pulled out from under me and I land hard on my stomach. Luckily, my arms instinctively took the brunt of my fall. Then I hear nothing but the deafening barrage of thunder. Closing my eyes and shielding my head, I pray to God. The sound is terrible!

I wait for the pain to spread through my body. For it to consume me as my consciousness slowly fades away. But I felt nothing.

...Am I dead? Maybe this is part of dying...everything is painless.

My peaceful thoughts were disturbed by several people swearing. Hesitantly, I look up. The assault rifles were smoking from their hailstorm of bullets.


I sit up and turn my head towards her. I see it.

Everyone was still. From shock possibly. Has time frozen?

I can't even feel the rain drops falling on me anymore. Surrounding us were hundreds of bullets suspended in the air. Some were a few inches from my face and Astra's.

The bullets hovering about half an inch from my face, were all still spinning as quickly as when they came out of their chambers. That was the only indicator that my previous thought had to be wrong. Time wasn't frozen....

Gazing at Astra's face, I see the glow. Her irises illuminated in bright gold. As if light bulbs were shining behind her eyes.

My stare flickers between the somewhat frozen bullets and Astra's eyes. Shifting back and forth. Because it didn't make sense.

Because this isn't possible. Because there is no way that Astra is doing this. That her eyes are glowing. Because magic isn't real. None of this real. It can't be.

Astra's eyes meet mine and despite the howling wind from the storm, her hair didn't flow with it. Her eyes burn into mine and for a moment I could swear that I hear her shouting.

'RUN !'

...But her lips never moved.

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