Chapter Five

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Peeking inside I could see families, couples, and friends enjoying their Sunday brunch. Wandering from cart to cart to take in all the food the restaurant had to offer. I take a deep breath and it smells heavenly.

Laura wore a beautiful steel colored halter dress with a delicate white lace cardigan from some designer I've never heard of. It flares out at her waist and stops just above her knees. Her black stiletto heels click impatiently on the tile floor causing Laura's high ponytail to bob side to side.

"How much longer, mother?"

"Stop being impatient. It's unbecoming of a young lady", her mother retorts. Ironically with an edge of impatience in her tone.

Her father, on the other hand, seems unusually relaxed and speaks to me with a cheery tone in his voice. I listen politely to his stories. Nodding, smiling, and laughing when appropriate.

"Arnold, please go ask the hostess if she plans on seating us?"

"Yes, dear Vicky."

Arnold must be in a good mood today, though his response borders on sarcasm. I wonder if she caught it? The few times I've gone out with Laura's parents, he had been glued to his phone. Barking at his wife, whenever she made a sullen expression, that he had to take this call. Maybe today is his day off?

"Conrad, I'm so glad that you were able to join us for brunch. Though it seems we won't be seated until dinner time."

Laura uncomfortably smiles at her mother's loud jab. The hostess threw us a veiled hostile glance. I'm pretty sure she heard that.

I nod slightly in agreement, hoping it looked sincere.

Honestly, I find Victoria to be overbearing. For Laura's sake, I always put in a great deal of effort to get along with her mother. Or Vicky. As she insisted I call her.

"Well it was last minute, mother. We should be grateful that they found an open slot for us today."

Vicky straightens her charcoal pencil skirt causing her white chiffon blouse to wrinkle slightly from the movement. Her strawberry blonde hair styled into a french twist. A picture of elegance...until she opens her mouth.

"As if it's our fault for not having the clairvoyance to know that your father would have today off."

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a waiter carrying a silver tray with glasses full of, what I hoped, mimosas. Hurriedly, I make my way towards him. Barely pausing for me, I manage to pluck three glasses off. He didn't even bother to question my age. I brought it over to where Laura and her mother were standing. I offer the glass to Vicky. She took it and playfully smacks my shoulder.

"Oh, Conrad! You do know how to cater to a lady. I must say...that Laura's taste has improved tremendously."

She nudges her daughter with an elbow. Eyes cast down, Laura shifts her weight back and forth. I hand her a mimosa and she hastily drinks it. I did the same. She shot me a grateful look. I take her empty glass and place it on a small table beside mine.

"Laura, why don't we explore for a little bit?"

"Sounds like a plan."

She hooks her arm around mine and began to lead the way. Half-waving a farewell to her mother.

"We'll be back soon, mother. I have my cell. Call me when its our turn to be seated."

Vicky pouts. "You're going to leave your mother all alone?"

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