Chapter 48

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"Alicia isn't okay, we need to find her help ASAP." (The Text)

"Alicia are you okay?" Roman asked walking up to her as soon as they walked in.

"I'm fine." She mumbled shoving her way  past.

"Casey, cop from the Court says she might have PPD."


"Calm down Ali...remember our talk out there."

"Can't control don't stress okay I get it look I haven't gotten much sleep lately I'm tired,frustrated and I'm sick of these people messing with my head!"

"Awe,does little sis need a nap."

"Touch me and you'll have the true meaning of a peaceful silent death."


Rolling her eyes she went to to other bedroom.

"Look Ambrose I'm sorry for freaking out on you two...just this thing that happened with the baby,trying to keep up with schedule this week."

"It's cool...i wouldn't say id be calm if my best friend was snuggle close to his wife and  didn't know the reason behind."

"So...What happened?" Roman asked after grabbing him and Dean drinks from the fridge going back to the living room.

"I walked up and she was having a break down Cop said I should get her checked for it. We were talking she was fine then as soon as I stepped away she started freaking out I tried to grab her but she starting losing it more."

"Do you think...we should get her...checked...possibly....maybe?"

"I'm half for it...but we can't forget she's pregnant we'd have to ask doc how the baby would react to meds or anything new they give her." Dean said taking a sip of his water

"What if she's just telling the truth about all the moving and everything that's happened,stress maybe?"

"We all have had days or weeks like that but nothing compared to how its effecting her....and we didn't kill anyone...OUT OF SELF DEFENSE."

" husband and step's our choice and we just might have to go with the first choice."

Flashback,if you're not comfortable reading slightly high graphic skip over until you no longer see italics

Long day at work...James is still a pain..this is getting harder each day but I have to do's the solo road,gotta provide  for myself  & missy enjoying life just sleeping and eating. (Referring to the baby)

I had just signed out of for the day and was headed to put my belongings up when Robert came stumbling in shutting the door and locking it.

"I'm sorry for spilling the tea sir the customer tripped me a-

"Shh,it's okay." He walked up to me and slapped me across the face,

"You're going to give my buisness a bad name, have inspectors coming! If I fail you can kiss EVERYTHING goodbye!"

"I...I'm so sorry it won't happen again."

"sure you are...but don't feel too bad my dumb beauty...I've got something for both of us."

He started running his hand  down my body. I tried to remain calm  but I wanted to scream and punch and run. But I wasn't sure of what he was capable of.

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