Chapter 7

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After everything had happened even with Ryan being able to get away the ambulance had rushed Alicia onto a stretcher and into the back hurrying to the hospital, while Dean and Paige followed behind Roman had ridden in the ambulance with Alicia.

It's had already been about hour since they'd gotten to the hospital and they were still waiting for an update on Alicia.

"Why....I don't get one should be this vindictive or evil...Ali has done nothing to Seth and this is what happens." Paige said

"Anyone that twisted deserves to be in a cray house...I swear once I get my hands on Seth he's dead,I've said it before but this time I literally mean dead."

Roman couldn't agree more with what they said but things he wanted to say and planned to do to Seth we're going to be way worse.

"Excuse there anyone here for Mrs Anoa'i?"

Roman Dean and Paige all stood walking over to the doctor. "We everything okay?"

"Come with me." She led them into the back area into an office. "Everything seems to be fine besides a few bruises and where the bullet went gladly it didn't go too far in to where we couldn't get it out she did still have to get surgery so she's gonna be sore on her shoulder so make sure she keeps that patch on."

"So besides that she's okay,remembers everything...perfectly fine...knows I'm her husband,hates Deans guts,slowly catching onto Paige's  attitude?"

The doctor chuckled at Roman's sudden out burst of questions. "Yes she's fine,she's up so she's able to have visitors, room 309 just take a right, keep going straight and it's the room in the right corner."

"Thank you."

Alicia slowly opened her eyes having to blink a few times to get a full sight,she was glad the surgery was over but wished the stinging and pain left would hurry up and go away.

She was upset along with what had happened because she was told she was possibly not going to be able to get back in the ring after she got out.

"Knock knock, did a beautiful girl request a handsome Samoan."

"Oh please more like did someone order everyone's favorite trip planner."

"Will you two stop,everyone knows everyone loves a little Ambrose."

"Hey guys." She went to go sit up when Roman rushed over gently pushing her back down.

"No moving baby girl,doc says you need to stay still as much as possible especially after your surgery."

"Wow,it's a crime to sit up?" She mumbled.

"HA! She's still got my attitude,told ya everyone loves some Paige."

"I love you all long have I been cooped up in here?"

"Maybe a few hours...if anything we're just glad you made of though." Roman said kissing her forehead.

"Can you guys turn down the lights,it's not helping with my headache."

"Effects...sorry baby girl we can't change the lighting,maybe you should get some rest again maybe most of the effects will ware off and when you wake up we'll be here." Roman said gently taking her hand.

"Hey...anyone taking guest!" There was a knock on the door but before they could see who it was the door opened fully and in walked Madison with flowers and a balloon.

"Oh my gosh! I heard about what happened and I came rushing down here are you okay!" She ran over shoving Roman back before leaning down and squeezing Alicia in a hug.

"Oh my gosh! I'm glad you're okay my love,i don't know what I woulda done if you left us."

"Madison...let go...please."

"Oh goodness Alicia,The divas division without you,would be so horrible!"

"Ow Madison! Please let go! Your on my arm!"

"Oh..." She let go slowly backing away. "I...i....I'm so sorry ALII...ill just...get going...bye." She ran out of the room stopping in the middle of the hall clenching her fist huffing and mumbling under her breathe...she started heading down the hall when she saw Paige walking out of the room.

"Little bitc*! She's the reason Alicia hates me! She the one in my way of making her mine!....things...things are gonna change...and there WONT be anything in my way!"

HEY GUYS!!!! Sorry I she my updated in a while...schools on the bright side,I started wrestling training and it's Jake going so perfect! I know that's not an excuse but after training today I'm pooped and I'm sorry if this wasn't so good. Thanks to @pirateshellynight for giving me some ideas and advice!!!

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