Chapter 26

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11 o'clock at night:
"R...Roman I'm hungry."

Roman was still fast asleep not hearing a thing.

"ROMAN!" The threw her pillow towards him making him wake up.

"Huh...wha...what's going on?"

"Roman i need a caramel frappe!"

"'s 11 o'clock at night."


" I'll promise to buy you one in the morning just go back to sleep."

"FINE!" She turned back around facing the wall pulling the cover over her mumbling to herself.

1 A.M

"Yes?" He said lifting his head form inside his pillow.

"Roman you never got me my Nutella."

"You at it earlier babe,WAYYY before you fell asleep."

"Well...I still have a craving can you g-

"I'll get it for you before the show and my signing tomorrow."


"I don't hate you baby...I promise go back go back to sleep."

4 A.M
"ROMAN! I NE- she couldn't the the rest of the words out before she started throwing up again gladly already making it to the bathroom.

Roman slowly got up from the bed grabbing one of the blankets and pillow going into the bathroom kneeling down beside Alicia running her back.

After things were finally starting to soothe down he noticed she started to doze off he helped her lie back onto the cover making sure her head was on the pillow then grabbing the other and putting it over her. "Good night baby girl."

He stood up slowly backing away from the door closing it. Getting back in the bed he spread out completely on the bed sighing. "Thank god." He whispered to himself.

Roman was still fast asleep in the bed until he felt a wet liquid splash onto him making him jump up,there leaning on the wall with the ice bucket was Alicia.

"Ah babe...hey...morning."


"Hey...being honest,I did put your out a blanket first."

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT YOU A** HOLE! You're so annoying sometimes!"

"Annoying? Oh don't get me started,he sat up tossing the cover to the side. "What annoying is is waking me up every TWO FREAKIN hours in the middle of the night nagging for this and that and God! I told you I had a busy schedule tomorrow which is now today and I only got 4 hours of sleep maybe I should just pass out in the ring and let Bray get the pin he could use it with how many times I've kicked his a**! God what are you in your period?"

Instead of responding Alicia walked up to him swinging her arm back and slapping him. "AND SO WHAT IF I AM!"

Roman started heading towards her with this stern glare,she started regretting slapping him .

"R...Roman I'm...s...sorry." She stutterd still walking backwards until he back hit the wall,she looked up at him with fear in her eyes. "Pl...please don't hit me."

"What?" He was takin back at her comment, he wasn't going to even think about hitting her. "Baby,I'd never hit you where'd you get that idea from?" He asked


Roman walked closer to her wrapping his arms around her waist gentl pulling her closer. "That bastard is suspended and hopefully in jail like he deserves....he's not getting any where near you while I'm here."

"You've always been my superman."

"And that is a FACT!...I promise I'll be back right after the show and we can....Netflix and chill."

"Ha funny because it was almost exactly Netflix that brought us to this."she motioned towards her stomach glaring up at Roman

"Let's just say my pull out"


"But what doesn't suck is the way you suck my-

"I'M gone! She removed his hands from around her waist and Lefygoing towards the living room.

"You know it's true! No one denies superman!"

"Just did if you didn't realize! By the way FIX YOUR BOTTOM BANANA!"

Roman chucked to himself leaning on the wall.

"You caused it!" The next thing she heard was the bathroom door opening but didn't close. She glanced over and saw Roman standing there looking her way.

"Need a special invitation!? And by the way,CLOSE THE DOOR YOU FREAK!"

"Don't say I didn't try." He said smirking while slowly closing the door.

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