Chapter 32

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It's been hours after Roman had found the note and he was still in complete shock,he's tried calling her multiple times but instead of going to voicemail it was a "this number could not be complete.".

"ALICIA PLEASE!...don't do this to me...please...I need you."

He put his back to the wall slumping to the ground the tears continuing to fall. "What did I do?"

"Yea bro what did you do this rooms a mess?" Roman has forgotten his and Deans room were connected but seperated by one door which they kept unlocked unless annoyed with each other.

"It's not the time for jokes Ambrose." He mumbled.

"Call her."


"Who's that one person she's close to...Marti...lets just try to stay positive and see if she knows anything.

"It'll be worth the try."

Meanwhile with Alicia.
I did what I had to do...I can't stay and keep hurting him...or anyone...I'm keeping this to myself...until the time is needed...I'm own...not Greenville but Atlanta home as in my fathers state when I was younger...this was our favorite travel place,the Coke factory...together going to Falcons I'm really on my own...I already know I'm gonna have to find another job as soon as possible...this house isn't the best but it's affordable enough to not have to spend my whole check of what's left including savings... Atlanta is really known for these big places and buildings so maybe it won't be as hard too me somewhere decent.

As I was walking out of the door to hopefully find somewhere to eat nearby and went to lock the door I bumped into some one.

"Oh my gosh mam,I am so sorry." I heard a deep voice day,I turned around and saw a guy that is never seen before...well duh Alicia your new here of course you haven't. God I need to stop talking to myself.

"Ah...sorry. It's okay." I noticed he was carrying laundry crates which meant there was a laundry room here thank god...I do laundry when I'm bored!

"Laundry day?"

"To the fullest,kinda sucks when your younger club sins visit and basically anything they do Involves stains...on your things that is." He chuckled and stuck his free hand out. "I guess your my new neighbor,I'm James."

I took his hand and shook it. "I'm Alicia."

"Ah that's not a common name but I like it."

I noticed the slight stack of shirts that fell out of his basket and went to pick it up but he stopped me. " I don't think a pregnant should be bending over like that,just to stay safe."

God that's kids embarrassing...I didn't think I was showing guess my focus has been on so many other things I haven't really paid attention.

"Sorry if I kinda killed the mood,just don't wanna cause any danger...if I could toss those shirts I would,stupid job place gets crazier every since we've lost a few people."

"Where do you work? If you don't mind me asking?"

"The Sweet Court,family dine,open mic all that good stuff."

"I don't mean to sound desperate but could you please maybe possibly ask your boss if he's willing to take walk in interviews or if he could possibly give you a application and bring it to me...please?"

"Sure of course I don't mind at all we could use the help,I'll be sure to do that when I go in...say would you mind if I asked...exactly where is the father?"

"He's ah...busy travels and far but we worked out a schedule for if anything happens he'd be here if it wasn't for his job." Yes I'm lying and it kinda hurts bringing up Roman period even not saying his name but...this was my decision and I know it's best for him...everyone."

"Oh well that makes since,well if you need anything neighbor,I'm a door away,nice to meet you again."

"You too."

I'd totally forgotten I was going to try to find something to eat because I went right back inside the house. Maybe I can sleep it off JJST order something when I wake up...

Back with the guys.

"What do you think could have made her just up and leave...did you two get into it ?" Paige asked taking a seat next to Dean on the couch.

"No...everything was fine...then i woke up and...she's gone."

"So basically everyone she was close to got a letter from her...I've never seen her like this or the type to just get up and leave something as important as this buisness and how much she loved you Roman." Marti said

"Well...during tonight's show maybe me and Marti can go to Steph and see if she's heard anything else."

Roman sighed dropping his head running his hands threw his hair. "Please come back to me...please."

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