Chapter 27

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Roman and Dean were hanging together backstage before their match and talking about the recent things hat had happened with both their girlfriends.

"Bro if I know one thing it's you don't call a girl out if rather she's ok or not,if it was Paige you wouldn't even be standing."

"Yea I know....those hormones really kick in when their pregnant."

"No man you mean they kick in ANYTIME ANYWHERE of the whatta ya expecting?"

"A girl...mainly because JoJo has been asking for a while when she's gonna get a sister...and ya know...just a thing of what was supposed to happen before."

"Hey bro." Dean placed a hand on his shoulder. "I hate to say it but the past is the past two have been through hell and back and you two stayed together threw it all,this is gonna be an experience you two won't forget...just know I call first holds after you two."

"Oh you know that's not gonna happen,I'll take in your request,but you know the girls are gonna wanna hold him or her first."

As soon as they got to catering and found themselves a table getting their plate ms Roman's phone vibrated. Pulling out his phone he smirked and raised his eyes, Alicia had sent him a picture of her in his tank top with his seats on  "I miss you!😔 good luck tonight ❤️"

"Ew I know you two aren't doing those nude pics like those other crazy couples come on your better than that!"

"No one said to stalk my screen! And no if you looked closely you'd see it's just my beautiful wife wishing my luck."

"The day you two officially separate will be the day i drop the bad ass lunatic do what I want gimmick."

"That's not a gimmick that's your usual attitude."

" true my brother...that is true."

"Well now that you've got it on your mind,let's go crazy,we've got a trumpet booty  freak to deal with."

"If he brings that trumpet down to the ring I will ACCIDENTALLY shove it up his a**!"

"Only you Ambrose."


Roman and Dean were in their match which they had dominated most of and was setting up to end the match. Dean was just about to take out Kofi with a suicide dice when he stopped in his tracks.

"AMBROSE!" Roman called out them he turned to the tron where everyone was looking.

"What the hell?" The camera was following someone who's shadow you could only see walking,they stopped at a red door with the number 321..

"That's our room number!"

"Oh dear made the mistake of talking out my brother a few weeks ago but gladly he's it's time to give back...and you can thank me."...

Bray...he walked closer into the camera view stareing into the lens then the camera going towards the window which the curtain was pulled back and you could see Alicia sitting on the couch watching tv...that's when Bray tapped on the glass and she quickly turned around. She slowly stood up slowly backing away.

Roman was in the ring clearly posses off and worried,Dean stood next to him clenching his fist swearing under his breath paying as much attention to the screen as everyone else.

Bray slid a card into the door and shoved it open.

Alicia was frozen with fear on the spot,she stood shaking in the middle of the room.

"Why hello there...beautiful." Brays began to chuckle while making his way towards her smirking.

The lights in the room suddenly went out but as soon as they came back on there stood Bray with his face inches away from hers.

Bray peeked from the corner of his eye towards the camera still smirking. Knowing Roman was watching. "RUN!"

He started to slowly back away leaving the room not breaking the eye contact he had on Alicia. "Bye bye...little one."

The last thing shown on screws Roman leaning on the ropes with his head in his hands.

"He didn't touch her...son of a bitc* is still gonna die,let's go." Dean said


Right after the show and getting backstage instead of going to the locker room Roman ran straight outside to the hotel (was walking distance) he didn't bother taking the elevator quickly running the steps until he got to his floor emergency exit. He sprinted towards the room door pushing the key in and shoving the door open.


He started checking under he bed in the living room and the bathroom but couldn't find her.

"ALICIA!" He pulled his phone out and went to her contact dialing her number. He started hearing a small ringing a few feet behind him as he followed the sound of started to get louder then he got to the closet and heard it fully. He pulled open the closet door and there crouched down in the corner with her knees pulled up was Alicia.

"BABY!" He dropped down to her side pulling her into his arms. "It's's okay I'm here...I'm not leaving your side again...never."

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