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I'm a tad bit upset. Today when I was walking in the halls somebody called me a 'faggot' unsure of what it meant I looked it up and immediately and frowned. I'm not even gay, I think... anyway off  topic today a knew boy joined school, his name was Christian? No. It was Chris! He seems nice, a bit strange but nice.

Also he said his friend would be moving here in a week, I am actually quite excited as it makes a change in this boring school for once (how cliché). I don't want them to be another jerk though well, if he is anything like Chris we should be fine.

Anyway, today my dad told me he has to go away which really sucks, he is the only person I can talk to. He is my best friend. My only friend. And if he is gone for to long all the panic attacks start to come back, it is sad I know but ever since our mum died when I was eight we have always been there for each other,  he became my rock and now I'm 17 I rely on him for almost everything.


The new boy joined school today, his name is Phil. I like that name, he kept on talking to me though. That... I didn't like, it is scary as he is ever so slightly taller than me. I used to be the tallest in my school.

I'm not sure on this Phil, I am not sure on him at all.

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