Chapter 20 - Serena's Strong Heart

Start from the beginning

"Can you repeat that?" Clemont murmured stupidly.

"He said he needs to find Serena and talk to her" Bonnie gave Clemont the short version. "Sometimes I think you need to open your ears brother," She remarked smartly. 

"Well, the last time I saw her was in our lodge, about five minutes ago. She was with Miette" Clemont ignored his sister and answered Ash.

"Ok, thanks a lot, Clemont!" Ash said, before pivoting on his heel and rushing off down the pavement. 

"Maybe I should make an invention for this situation..." Clemont murmured, but Bonnie heard him.

"I wouldn't," she said bluntly, her face dropping. 

Ash continued to run and run until his legs felt tired. His body told him to stop but his mind carried him forward, telling him to keep on running to find Serena as soon as possible. He just wanted to get it over with and talk to her and the fact that he was running around for hours on end wasn't helping, it was making him impatient. Ash the back of Serena as he turned onto the Lodge's path. He took a moment to catch his breath while Miette saw Ash and grinned.

"Guess I will leave you guys to it then" she teased before she sauntered away. Serena turned around, confused as to why Miette had said that, but once she saw Ash she froze up and stared at him.

"I have...been...looking in so many places" Ash was still catching his breath and he panted in between words.

"For me?" Serena asked, stepping forward to talk to Ash, who nodded. "What do you want?"

Ash took a deep breath and then let out a sigh. "I overheard you and Miette last night"

If there was such a thing as blushing too hard, Serena was inventing it. Her red face looked around in a panic as if she was trying to find the words to say in reply because she was too surprised and panicking to even react.

"Y-you...did?" Serena spoke quietly, almost as if she was regretting continuing the conversation.

"I talk a walk or two and talked to some people and I realized something. I was blind, Serena. For all of that time, I spent with you, Clemont and Bonnie without even realizing how you felt, I apologize. I never knew someone liked me like you do. I never knew someone loved me. I have met and traveled with many people, who are all here now. But not one has ever shown this kind of affection. Even now, just as I am speaking, you are turning red, Serena"

"Wha-What?! I am not!" Serena tried to deny it, but it was blatantly obvious.

"Don't try and hide it, it is too obvious. Dawn and the others saw it instantly, didn't they? I guess I must just be an idiot then. But, I didn't come here just to admit that I knew how you felt. I want to tell you how I feel" Ash straightened up for a moment, an expression that showed full seriousness settling on his face.

Serena gasped for a moment, her heart beating at a million miles a millisecond, pounding against her chest like a bass drum. She waited for the continuation.

"To be honest, it's kind of complicated" Ash admitted, scratching the back of his head.

"Pika..." Pikachu warned Ash, electricity surging around his body threateningly.

"Ok, ok! I am sorry!" Ash straightened up and looked Serena dead in the eye. He wasn't fooling around. "The truth is, I don't feel the same way. Maybe it is because I wasn't aware of this situation and haven't gotten used to it, I don't know. There are some lingering feelings that suggest I feel the same way, but I just can't get my head around them just yet. Maybe it just wouldn't work yet, you know? And also, I wouldn't want to affect our amazing friendship or our chances at the tournament. It wouldn't be fair on our Pokemon, who have been working so hard to produce results with and for us-"

"It's okay Ash" Serena didn't really seem fazed by it. "I am okay with that. You are a great friend and even if I do want to be more than that, I can't force it upon you, as creepy as that sounds. AND, you said there are lingering feelings, so you know what? If that is as good as it gets, for now, I am happy" she stepped up and lightly kissed Ash on the cheek, before turning to walk off.

"Serena?" Ash asked, with a half smile, half frown. 

"Yes?" Serena turned around, her hand wrapping around the cold doorknob. 

"Thanks for understanding" Ash gave her a small wave before walking off. Serena watched Ash with a smile and then opened the door. She felt upset but wasn't willing to show it. She was happy too, so that made up for the little bit of sadness she felt right now. The current situation to her implied that Ash was never going to feel the same way, but Serena felt like her heart was made of steel and nothing was going to break it.

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