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(Marionette POV)

Sitting in the large square but a cozy box, the memories of last night began to emerge in my mind once more, leaving it restless with a bit of confusion. I couldn't comprehend how I manage to give life to the animatronic that seem to have an appearance of being broken and forgotten into normal humans who could be even be confused with regular customers visiting this place. As I was overthinking the whole transformation and humanization ability, I have acquired, my ear began to pick a familiar song that I seem to know but couldn't pinpoint what it was.

The song kept playing, making me mumble a bit of the melody when my mind began to remember where the sound was coming from. With a quick reaction, my whole body jumped out of the box just in time, the melody of the music box could stop. Soon as I am out, all the children surrounding my box began to clap while hearing a few giggles and a bit of 'wows.' A warm smile began to form inside my thought-feeling happy that the children are enjoying the small stunt I had just performed. My face turns to my side, seeing who was the lucky kid who activated my music box. A little girl with light brown hair with a blue bow on the side of her hair that matched her blue dress with white polka dots stares up at me with an amazed look on her face making her brown eye glister. Suddenly in a flash, I feel a bit of a tug on the side as the small child proceeded to embrace me in a hug. Wanting to hug the little girl back, my strings prevented me from doing so by following the procedure that my puppet self is program to do. Facing the front again, my body garbed a small blue present from the back of my box as My strings were loss enough to hand it to her. She began to giggles and opened it with haste. Her eyes widened when she took out a small puppet human girl plush that seems to resemble me in my human form but not exactly like me.

Holding the small plush in her hand, the little girl retreated back to the other children showing off her new toy leaving me feeling warm inside. My gaze soon turns over to look at Toy Bonnie to find him giving me a wink following with a smile as he gathers the children back to the party room with a small song making the children chat along with him. Immediately my body went inside the box, feeling a sort of small blush form. A few workers talked near my box as they mention that we will start to close down earlier, but have no clue why. All I know is we're closing earlier and will reopen at midnight for the guard. 

〰Time skip〰

Hearing the usual clock struck 12:00 am my body began to slowly transform from animatronic to human. With cautions, I peeked out her box making sure the toys were stilled program off with no movement to be seen, my face began to make a small smile of joy. Slowly once more I lifted the hood of the box making enough room for me to be able to sneak out through a small opening. My body began to walk fast passing the stage and into the forbidden hallway. Walking down the main hall to the part and service room my mind was just wondering if the other Animatriocs transform to humans or did I fail to change them. The closer my body got to the door with the small metal label that read "Parts and Service", the more my heart began to beat faster while having unsteady breathing. Facing the door that with small memory I can seem to remember, my shacky hands reach out towards the doorknob. Suddenly the nod began to turn on its own as it opens up to reveal the girl with blond hair that seems to be the chicken before her human transformation. With a small smile the girl return on as she gave a small wave, but it soon turns into a frown giving me a small bow " I'm sorry about yesterday".

I nodded forgetting about the now small scratch that was on my cheek, but soon as I nod she asks "Sorry didn't catch your name"
With a smile, I gave a small bow towards the girl" My name is marionette and yours"
"well my name is chicas, It's so nice to meet you Marionette" 

I thought for a second.  Before I could respond she automatically answered what was floating in my thoughts just now  "Oh you're thinking of the toys. No, we are the original animatronic they are just a newer and improved version of us."
I nod and remembered what she looked like in her animatronic and now her human form. She could tell how completely different from Toy Chica. This chica is nicer and prettier. I entered the room we sat in corner talking while the others were sleeping. For the first time, I actually felt there was another person that I could relate to.

〰Time skip〰
As I finished up our conversation with Chica I waved goodbye to go see what my baby was doing. In my mind I thought everything was going well. Only good things can happen to move forward.


The people were no longer in the building and I knew it was my chance to go see my puppet. Wanting t be the first to greet her my eye open itself looking to my right and left as Toy Chica was still off as well as Toy Freddy. Slowy moving away from the others my body moved slolwy, not wanting to attrack attention, away from the stage when to my surprise Marionette walks through the main hall to the part and service room. Thinking she is not crazy enough to go beyond that I waited with cross arms  near the hallway wanting to be the first to make fun of her for her little stunt, but I was quite wrong. Getting a closer look I walked over near the edge of the hallway seeing her go up to the metalic door.The door was open up by an animatronic human girl with blond hair as she hugged what seem to be a human version of puppet. I was surprise because Freddy told me that in that room that the old animatronics were all broken up and were malfunction, but I dont see that now. Either way what is Marionette doing back there? None of us are allowed to pass the restroom. Once I see her head  inside with that animatronic human girl, I went back on stage to go inform Freddy that we have a rule breaker. Even if it hurts me to see him yell at her she has to pay the price. Freddy wouldn't hurt her right?

A/n: oh well here is the chapter. What do you guys think will happen to the rule beakers? ok gtg bye talk to u guys in the next chapter.
P.S I don't own any pics or characters xD

The Puppet(Human! Marionette girl) FNAF2 fan fiction [Complete](Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt