Thinking of her

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With a smile spread across my animatronic face, I slowly walked away from the now noiseless office, giving one look back, seeing how Toy Chica had taken care of today's kill. Walking through the hallway of the empty dark Party rooms, my green eyes began to scan around, taking note of all of the animatronic who were active on this night. My head began to mention the names quietly, "Toy Freddy, Toy Chica, Mangle, and BB," my robotic fingers counted four of us today.

I stood at the end of the hallway, making my eyes shift towards the Prize Corner, seeing it still with no such activity. Making my head look to the side, I began to wonder, "I have not seen my puppet attempt to attack nor be in her usual box. I stood there a couple of times but did not hear her hum or moving around the box today." With a small sigh, he began to head back towards the stage I was already accustomed to.

His eyes looked back at the dark purple box, holding a small smile on his robotic face. I began to develop a feeling for the Puppet girl ever since she arrives through the doors of this Pizzeria. What made me build my feeling more would be the way she attacked, and how natural she felt, striking the guard as if she knew what to do.

After the third night on her stay, she no longer looks like a puppet from cloth with strings attached. She posses more of human feature looking like the Human that come to this location. The other thing that makes her unique is when she transforms into her human form during the night shift. She wears a black and white dress with three buttons going down her chest, long strip black and white socks, cut off gloves, long black hair, and her puppet bow in her hair.

Personally, to me, she feels and looks more unique from the Toys and the old Animatronic that were in this location. Unfortunately, Toy Freddy doesn't let us get to attach or near to her just because she is different from us. The only time I could get to see her or even admire her is during my 'Bonnie Tours ' during the day when I walked the children around. They may not be to my taste, but it is worth ith to see her. If only one day I'll be a human-like her, then that will make me so proud.

"wow, she is true beauty" I whisper the phrase suddenly, making my eyes widen a bit. Chica came into view looking me up and down. " who is a beauty?" with my eyes rolling I didn't answer as I got into my position of being back to the lifeless animatronic

A/n: Well, sorry, it was short. The next one will not be short k thx.

{Edited: I just edited this chapter. Let me know what do you guys think of the edited pages. thank you}

The Puppet(Human! Marionette girl) FNAF2 fan fiction [Complete](Editing)Where stories live. Discover now