“Chad,” I whispered.

“Why didn’t you fight back? You looked so helpless on the floor and you could have easily given Dean some cuts. You didn’t deserve what happened to you.”

“Yes I did.” He muttered quietly.

“No you don’t! Why would you say-?”

“Kristen, there’s something I need to tell you…”

“What?” I said looking down at him.

“Last year I went to a party and I got really drunk. I was walking home when I realized I was in a forest and had gotten lost in my drunken state. I called my parents to get me because I was drunk and they yelled at me over the phone for being irresponsible. I sat down beside a tree and waited for them for around two hours. I ended up falling asleep and woke up in the morning still in the forest. Since I wasn’t drunk anymore I walked to my house remembering the directions and thought my parents probably didn’t pick me up to punish me for getting drunk illegally. When I arrived back at the house there was a cop car up front.

The cops came up to me and asked me my name. I was so confused at what they were here for and mad at my parents at the same time.”

Tears fell down my face as I felt tears roll down my chest from Chad.

“They told me my parents were killed by drunk drivers. The drunk drivers were my idiot friends from the party.” He paused for a while before carrying on.

“I blame myself for what happened to them. If I didn’t go to that party they could still be here today. I sent myself to this school to get away from my life at home. I’m the only one left from the family because I’m an only child and my parents had no siblings either so I was given the whole fortune. So, when Dean beat me up today, I couldn’t fight back because I knew deep down I needed to be taught a lesson.” He said.

“Chad you are not to blame. I can’t believe you let Dean do that to you! You’re an incredible person and shouldn’t beat yourself up for a stupid teenage outing.”

“I know. But soon after I came to this school Luke somehow found out about my parents and told everyone that I somehow killed my parents and that’s why I use to eat alone. No one would come near me.”

“Go to sleep you need some rest.” I said as another tear rolled down my face from his heart-filled story. I don’t know would happen to me if I were in his place. I feel so bad for him; Chad is such a nice person and my best friend in this school.

“Goodnight.” He murmured into my chest.

“Goodnight.” I replied back to him.

I woke up with my neck hurting like crazy. I woke up and I was sitting up still with Chad’s face sleeping on my chest and his arms wrapped around my waist.

I stared at his ruffled hair and everything from last night hit me when I saw Chad’s bare, bandaged chest. He yawned and patted my stomach as his eyebrows furrowed in. He looked up and confusion crossed his face until he calmed down.

“Good Morning.” I whispered.

“Sorry, I think I drooled on your shirt...”

“It’s fine. Are you ok now?”

“I’m still really sore and I’m glad it’s Sunday at least.”

“You know I love you Chad.” His eyes bulged out. “No not like that,” I said cracking up. “You’re like a brother to me.”

“Same to you sis.”

“You should call me that from now on.” I said smiling. “So do you want breakfast?”

“Yes please.”

“Stay here, I will bring it over.” I shifted his head off of me and onto a pillow and got up to stretch. I went into the bathroom and ripped the packaging of a new tooth brush. I hoped Chad wouldn’t mind. When I finished brushing my teeth I walked out into the kitchen to see what they had in the kitchen. I bent down looking through all the shelves.

“So you have a boyfriend?” I turned around to see Jeffrey staring at me from behind.

“Why does it matter?”

“Because I so happened to see these hot pictures of you on Victoria Secrets homepage. They are saying you’re like the new big thing.”

“What! Let me see.”

I followed him to a computer and my pictures were up all online.”

“Who told you my pictures would be there?”

“No one, Victoria Secrets is my homepage.” He said.

“You guys are pigs…” I walked back to the kitchen and made and omelet for myself and Chad and brought it back to the room for him. I told him I was going to get more clothes to stay the night and left in my pajamas.

“Hey nice pics.” A guy said in the hallway.

“Do you think you can hook me up with some models?” another said. I got many comments walking back to my dorm and it annoyed me. How did everyone find out about the pictures?

I finally made it to the dorm and I sighed with relief. Blaze ruffled his dark cropped hair and looked at me.

“So I saw your pics.”

“How has everyone seen them?”

“Gossip spreads, I don’t know.”

“Is Dean here?” I said not wanting to talk to him.


“Ok, I’m taking a shower then packing more clothes.” I said before heading to the room I shared with him. I quickly grabbed a bag and shoved clothes in it and went into the bathroom getting ready for the day. I knew that I probably wouldn’t be able to take a shower while I watched over Chad, so I might as well take it now. I washed my long hair in lilac shampoo and rinsed it off.

When I got out of the shower I pulled on a pair of tight jeans, a purple tank top, and tied my hair up in a high ponytail. When I opened the door Dean was laying on the bed and when he saw me he got up.

Damn it I was hoping to avoid him.

Stuck in an All Boys Boarding SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now