"I- I have a question-,"

"Save it, human," he scolded. "Now. You will report to me every morning for your day's task. However, there are certain things you must do. They are very simple. Open all drapes along the first floor."


"And water all flower pots. You can do these before or after you eat. It does not matter to me. As long as you report to me for your day's task. Take your time and I will have you work through the night until it's finished. Try me, human."

The raptor grinned and turned to one of the tall closed drapes beside the chimney. He lifted a thick silver rope loosely tied and hung around the drape.

"You take this and when you pull it the rope tightens around the drape," Kaahiss said and gracefully demonstrated. Upon the drape opening, dark gold sunlight peered into the sitting room. That small beam conquered the candlelights and gave the eerie room a decent comfort.

He twirled the rope around a hook protruding from the wall and the drape stayed back. He stepped aside, "Okay. You do the other."

Alsindad moaned, but he obeyed. He gave the twirled rope an extra tug so it wouldn't unravel and stepped back. He glanced at the raptor who gave him an approving nod. Alsin muffled a smile and followed the raptor to the other window. This time he did the entire deed and continued around the room until all the drapes were open.

"Good job," Kaahiss said, a corner of his lips curved upward supposedly being a smile, but Alsin saw it as a clever grin.

Kaahiss approached a corner of the living room and picked up a pinkish pitcher filled with water. "Can you multitask?"

"I can."

"Good. I suggest you water flowers and open the windows together," he handed over the pitcher and Alsin scrunched up his nose at the color.

"Is it possible I can get a blue one?"

"We have plenty you'll see. Go on and do your morning task. I will follow."

"Will you be following me all the time?"

"Hopefully not. Hopefully, you will not be like the others."

Alsin grinned and took the lead into the main hallway where he could see three wraiths in deep conversation by the front doors. "So...am I doing well so far?"

"Let's get through the day and then I will answer that."

"Of course, Lizzy," he said with a mockery bow, smiling cheek to cheek. The raptor simply rolled his pierced eyes and hissed.

His tiny morning task gave him the pleasure of touring the castle. He could not stop asking questions, especially when he had to open the windows to the unused office spaces. Of all the rooms, he explored, he liked the dining hall the most. It was huge and could possibly sit twelve to twenty people if organized well. Also there was a circular courtyard at the castle's rear where he spotted Casper doing gardening work on the other side of a tall black fence. Kaahiss even pointed out the castle's poolroom that sat dark and haunted on the other side of the courtyard.

Then there was the view. Alsin stood agape at the pile of mountains surrounding the castle. He finally concluded that the castle's structure was built into a very small hill unfortunately sitting in the center of an uneven valley. If ever the castle would come under attack, there was a fifty percent chance of being crushed and another fifty to see the enemy coming and escape beforehand.

The laundry room sat in between the poolroom and the castle. Wooden polls hung horizontally along the walls. Two sturdy tables sat to both sides of the room and there in between was a wide barrel of water sitting over an iron kiln. A huge wooden roller sat adjoined on top of the barrel with a handle to twirl it.

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