You Spin Me Right Round

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This time when I awoke I awoke in his room. He was staring at me. "Oh good you woke up. I was starting to think I did the ritual wrong and accidentally destroyed your soul." He said.

"Oh well that's nice to hear." I said teasing him. He smiled.

"Umm if you don't mind me asking what are this ring I saw you slip it on me and I noticed it looked exactly like the one your wearing?" I asked looking down at the ring on my hand twirling it around my finger.

He took my hand into his."it's part of the ritual." He said looking me in the eye. I was not stupid and realize he was hiding something from me.

"That's not true." I said pulling my hands out of his,"stop lying to me. I can't stand it."

He finally just now realized I was not as foolish as I seemed. He seemed like he didn't want to answer or comment on what I said.

So I stood up and walked away. I was furious I walked over and punched the wall. "Will you ever fucking answer me or even be honest to me." I screamed.

"Sweetheart listen,"he said wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

"No get away from me your a monster." I said pissed pushing myself away from him. "Fine it's a commitment ring." He said smiling at me.

"Commitment to what?" I asked. "To us as a couple." He answered.

"Your stupid if you honestly think I care for you. I only died for my true love. I sacrificed myself for him. But I guess you don't know how hard that is since you don't feel." I said standing in front of the bed.

"You are the foolish one. Never stand in front of a bed like that when someone is behind you." He said pushing me on the bed.

I managed to flip myself on my back. Which only put me in a worse position. He was on top of me. I tried fighting him with my hands and he just held them both over my head with only one hand. Then he used his free hand to move my hair off my neck and began softly kissing my neck. I began trying to kick him off.

"Just started on the first day and already disobeying our contract?" He asked me.

"I'm already dead it doesn't matter. That contract doesn't matter I told you I'd never stop fighting you. So get the fuck off me." I screamed.

"Oh that contract doesn't matter anymore? I could go and kill Marilyn. And I would still have you right were I want you. And don't forget I'm stronger now after swallowing those two souls. You won't defeat me now." He said smiling seductively.

"You can't kill my Marilyn." I yelled at him. I could hardly breathe he was on top of me squashing me.

"Why not?" He said his smile widening like a mad man.

"Beacuse I won't let you. You'd have to kill me a million times over before I would let you touch him." I said.

"What a burden you must wear trying to save someone's life when you can't even save your own. Hehe. Maybe you should just give up." He said.

Before I could reply. He began to pull my shirt off of me. I fought some more. But I was to weak. And he was too strong.

He then kissed my neck carefully making his way down my chest. Then he moved off of me and opened my legs trying to pull off my pants. But I began kicking at him.

He finally gave up. "I will get you later. Remember the last time I told you this." He said smirking.

The last time he had told me this had been the night that Lucifer had died. The devil begin walking away into the other room.

I fell of the bed on to my butt and pulled my knees to my chest then rested my head on them. And cried. I wouldn't let him break me. I would never stop fighting.

Maybe when Marilyn dies he can try and save me I thought pulling the ring off my finger and throwing it across the room. It landed in the fireplace.

Then I decided to stand up and ask the devil if he had any clothes I could change into.

When i walked into the room he quickly stood up from what he was doing. But I knew what he was doing. He was snorting cocaine. It shocked me a bit to be honest. I couldn't truly see the devil actually doing drugs.

He pointed me to a closet. I quickly put on a random clothes that were less revealing than what I had on before. Then I hoped in bed and hoped for this day to be over.

He soon came out of the room high as fuck. He told me to come over to him. I didn't move he repeated himself madly. I came over to him.

He wrapped himself around my body and put my arms on his shoulders. He rested his arms on my waist. Then he began playing music. He slowly began dancing with me.

"You know it gets quite lonely around here." He said. "I imagine." I said sarcastically.

"You must be tired." he said. I nodded. "Here rest your head on my shoulder if you want." He said politely.

I decided any rest I might get would be good. So I leaned my head on his shoulder unfortunately I had to lean almost my whole body on to him to do so.

As he swayed back in forth with me in his arms I began to slowly get sleeper by each passing second.

I moved off his shoulder and yawned. "I can't stand up much longer I'm exhausted." I said quietly. He nodded. Then he picked me up and placed me on the bed. Covered me up and lyed down next to me.

I slowly fell asleep. This devil was a weird one.

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