Coma Black

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"Hello, are you here." I said looking around the living room. I looked out the living room window. There stood the devil. He saw me looking out the window and motioned me to come outside to the driveway with him. I walked to the door and opened. I walked carefully on the sidewalk to where the devil was. There was always a weird feeling I had when i was with him. I felt safe but also have in uneasy. There used to be fear. Nothing but fear. But now the fear had faded. The devil had taken form of a man I noticed as I walked up to him. When he saw me he smiled. He said "thank you". "Thank you for what," I said," I should be the one thanking you for not killing me." He simply smiled bigger and said "you silly mortal I already know the name your gonna give me. Xi Wang wasn't it." I nodded and thought had did you know that. "How did I know that you forgot who I am," he hissed," I'm the fucking devil. And I've been watching you waiting for the prefect Time to kill you." He grabbed my arms and forced them behind my back. I tried to fight him. He chained my hands behind my back. He lifted me in his arms and began carrying farther away from the house. "As long as you were in the house I couldn't get but now your on my turf. Haha you actually trusted me but it was all a fucking act and you bought it. You die now and you won't wake up. As soon as you step out that house your in a coma. You will wake up once you get back in your bed. I'm doing this through your dreams because I want to see Marilyn suffer. He should never put you through this. Truth is I love you. As long as your in your coma we can be together. I've been watching you your whole life." He said... Smiled... And... Kissed... Me...

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