I Put a Spell on You

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Back to Samuels point of view

I must have drifted off during that kiss cause I awoke to the devil waking me up. "There's been a problem with Marilyn. And your unconscious body that I want." He said.

"What?" I said knowing he never sounded concerned over these things.

"Ok so don't freak. I'm a special level of devil. But I can show you if you like what happened." He said.

I nodded bracing for whatever might come next. At first I saw how bad Marilyn wanted to help me how much research he did. Then it was him viewing a camera I could barely make out anything on the screen by this point. But he seemed tense. Then he grabbed his keys and went to the hospital. That is when I saw the most traumatizing thing of them all from the nurse trying to put that rag on Marilyn face to that man hitting him unconscious. But that still didn't explain what he was so stressed about.

"Ok I'm gonna explain this once so listen closely I took certain parts out of their cause your to innocent to see them.And you don't wanna ever find out okay. I'm gonna return you to your body but you have to stick to my side. These people are bad. There gonna kill Marilyn I can't do that to you. I have to save him and your body from them. I only meant to feed off of your energy. And as you'll learn there are different types of us devils. Some obsessed with taking over worlds some obsessed with destroying things. But me I'm different I've never met another like me I can't help it but my obsession is not with you in general but sex. So stick by me and wait hold on stay here. I have to clean your body." He said.

I was shocked by his obsession with sex. "What do you mean clean my body." I asked.

"You don't want to know. Can I trust you to stay here and wait." He said.

"Ill only stay if you tell me what they did to my body." I stated.

"Fine you wanna know the nurse let the guy fuck your unconscious body knowing that you couldn't fight back and no one would know. Now stay here." He said.

With that he left me with my thoughts. And I kept my promise. And I stayed put no matter how much I wanted to run I trusted what he had said.

A few minutes later he came back. "The people were smart enough to clean your body and put clothes back on you. You can scare them by waking up then we will get Marilyn and kill them. Then ill figure out where to go then." He said.

He grabbed my hand so tight I was surprised he didn't break his wrist. And he basically drug me into the house.

The transition into my body felt weird cause I hadn't been in my body for a while. But then I got the hang of it and sat up swaying my feet over the side of the bed smirking. "Hello I believe u guys did something to my body me and my friend are not happy of that." Just as I said that the devil appeared right behind the nurse and man.

"We're not happy at all. You can't do that to my sex toy." The devil said squeezing the man's shoulder so hard it dropped him to the ground.

I shivered at the thought of being his sex toy. But at this point at least I knew he would take care of me.

"How are you so strong your like half of his size. And your smaller than me." The nurse asked.

The devil transformed bigger ,"I'm a devil that's how. And I'm gonna kill you and this man for your crimes against her."

With that he covered my eyes and did something to the nurse. Once he removed his hand the nurse was no longer there and the devil had became stronger.

"What did you do to her." I asked. "I swallowed her soul it's not pretty something I don't want you to see." He said. This time I decided to take his word for it. And I covered my eyes as he swallowed the man's soul.

I then uncovered my eyes. And looked around the room. The devil stood in front of me smiling. "I feel even better then I did before,i think I should swallow Marilyn soul too.." He said almost giggling.

"If you guarantee Marilyn gets back to the house safely then I will go with you back to the spirit world no questions asked no more struggling. I won't fight back and I will do what you ask of me. Even if it means..." I gulped," having sex with you." I stared at Marilyn unconscious body.

He seemed to think about it then said,"But rapeing you is fun. Your rebellions are all so cute. But you can return to the spirit world with me and be my sex toy and... maid. Hehe you would look sexy in a maid costume."

I blushed. "So please take Marilyn back to his house and we can hide my body somewhere ill go with you back to the spirit world and be your maid." I said begging him.

"And?" He asked me.

"And ill be your... sex toy." I staring at the ground. Thinking.

"Is that all?" He asked me. It seemed like there was one thing he wants me to ask him in addition to letting Marilyn live. That's when it hit me.

I looked up at the devil and said,"Can I leave him a note not to worry about me and to tell him I traded my life for his. I want him to know how much I love him."

"Yes." The devil said smirking.

"Why are you smirking." It was more of a statement then a question.

"Because Marilyn is watching us and this deal were making. He's pleading you not to do it but you can't hear him." He answered smiling.

The devils right I can't hear him but I can feel his presence. "I'm sorry Marilyn I have to do this I can't let him have you. He'll kill you. It's my fault your wrapped up in this. I'm leaving your life now for good. Please forget me and move on with your life but please never forget the never-ending love ill always have for you." I said crying.

"So you've decided to trade his life for yours." The devil asked. I nodded. "Good now let me see your hand." He said grabbing at my hand.

He then slit my wrist a few times but I began bleeding a lot. "Ouch. Why Re you cutting me?" I cryed.

"You may never be allowed to come back I have to end your life this way and you will stay with me for entirety in the spirit world." He said.

I understood and handed him my other wrist which he slit to help end me faster. But still to keep to the ritual.

"Please at least hold my hand and comfort me in this body one last time and don't forget to bring Marilyn back to his house before he awakes." I said as my eyes began to barely stay open and I was beginning to lose consciousness.

He held my hand smiling. He now had me devoted to him. With the last look of the world before me I noticed he was wearing a ring. And he then slid a look alike ring on my finger. Then everything went completely black for what I knew was the last time.

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