"Unless..." Steven spoke up. "Unless his powers have gotten so much stronger, that he doesn't even need to be near the monsters to control them."

Jeb thought about that. He supposed that could be true.

That was definitely not a good thing.

"Well, we better go kill a Ghast and get out of here," Ash said.

"We can only get out of here if we find another Nether portal," Jeb pointed out. "But yeah, let's get going."

There was another doorway on the other side of the room, and they exited through there.

They walked through the Nether fortress, not coming across any other monsters. It was kinda creepy.

They crossed a bridge that led to a netherrack island across the lava sea from the one they were on earlier.

Suddenly, they heard the baby whine noise, and a fireball exploded right next to Jeb. The three of them turned around.

The four Ghasts with red eyes were flying towards them from the lava sea.

At least the other monsters weren't with them.

"Alright, we have to kill at least one of them!" Jeb shouted. Right after he finished his sentence, all four Ghasts made the noise at once, and shot fireballs at them.

Jeb immediately got out his diamond sword and deflected one fireball. Ash dove out of the way of one, and Steven just barely dodged one. The fourth one missed everyone entirely.

Steven got out his bow and arrow and aimed at a Ghast. Meanwhile, the four Ghasts shot again. They were all firing in sync. Definitely being controlled by Herobrine.

This time, Ash had out his sword. Both he and Jeb hit back a fireball. One of them hit its owner, killing it. The other one missed the Ghasts. The last two fireballs missed again.

Unfortunately, the Ghast that had died dropped its tear into the lava sea. It had been close to landing on some netherrack below them, but it missed.

Steven shot his arrow, hitting a Ghast, but not killing it. The remaining three Ghasts shot again.

Ash hit one fireball back, but it didn't hit any Ghasts. Steven had been taking aim again, but a fireball hit just below him, making him topple over. Jeb dodged the last fireball as he went to see if Steven was okay.

Steven was standing back up. He didn't appear to be hurt. "You good?" Jeb asked.

Steven nodded as he took aim with his bow again. This time, he fired before the Ghasts shot again, and it hit a Ghast. This one died, and dropped its tear on the netherrack below.

"I'll go get it!" Jeb shouted. He was about to start moving when the Ghasts flew upwards. Jeb, Ash, and Steven watched as the two remaining Ghasts flew above the island they were on, out of sight due to the netherrack ceiling.

"Why are they leaving?" Ash asked.

"Must be tired of my skills," Jeb joked, even though he knew now was not a good time for joking.

Suddenly, the Ghasts appeared again, on the opposite side from earlier. Now, if their fireballs hit someone, the person would fly into the lava sea.

"You guys hold them off! I'll get the tear!" Jeb shouted. He ran to the edge where the Ghasts had been earlier. He started climbing down as he heard the Ghasts shooting fireballs.

Jeb reached the bottom and grabbed the tear, which had fallen right next to some lava. Lucky it didn't fall in.

Jeb heard one Ghast die, and the other one shooting a fireball again. He couldn't see what was happening up there from this angle, so he decided to climb back up.

When he was almost to the top, he heard the Ghast get hurt, but it wasn't dead. It shot another fireball.

Jeb kept climbing, almost slipping a few times. Finally, he reached the top.

Then everything happened in slow motion.

Right when he got to the top, the Ghast shot another fireball, headed right for Jeb. He didn't have time to dodge or deflect this one.

But he didn't have to.

"Jeb!" Ash cried, and he dove at Jeb, knocking him out of the way.

The fireball hit Ash right in the chest, sending him flying into the lava sea.

Steven released the arrow he had ready, and it killed the Ghast.

Jeb slowly stood up. He walked to the edge, where Ash saved his life.

Ash was gone.

And he saved Jeb's life.

They went from Mojang to Ljng.


Such sadness.

Very death.


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